God's blessings shall follow you for taking the time to study.
TEXT: ACTS 4:18-20.
Key verse: Proverbs 11:14; “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.”
Question: If you have sensed the call of God through some signs but find it hard to get a sponsor since you are the breadwinner of your family. So, by the time you spend a year or two full-time, your family may not have anything to feed on. So, in this aspect as a father, I want to hear from you.
Answer. If you sense the call of God, go to senior ministers for counsel; to check on you and direct you. You will have safety and your family will have safety but if you move on your own, you will fall. It will affect your family; it will affect your life and that is not the will of God. God has no will that your family should suffer because He says if you cannot feed your family, you are worse than an unbeliever. So, take enough counsel so that you know exactly how to do it. God has a way. Amen
Question: If as a pastor the overseer doesn’t allow you to preach holiness, what will you do?
Answer: You are not under an overseer in the sight of God as far as preaching the truth is concerned. If you have received the spirit of truth, if you have received the knowledge of truth, preach it. You are not preaching for the overseer but for Jesus. Jesus says, I am the way, I am the truth and the life. Now you have come across Jesus the Truth, will you go and get permission from Jesus before you preach Him? Go ahead and preach it. Even if the overseer sends you out or puts you on discipline and the Lord asks you not to go, just remain until he releases you from discipline; go back to the temple and continue preaching the truth. Apart from the truth you don’t have another gospel somewhere. Preach the truth that others can be saved through you because it is the only truth that makes a person free. If persecution becomes too much by your overseer, then leave the place. If they persecute you in this city, move to another city; that is the instruction.
Thought for the day: Preach the truth so that others can be saved through you
Song for the day: Go and tell them that Jesus died for the sinful world
Bible reading for the day: Isaiah 13-15; Galatians 6
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