God bless you for taking the time to study.
TEXT: JOSHUA 1: 7, 8
Key Verse: Songs of Solomon 1:6 Look not upon me because I am black because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.
Our scriptural text today has opened our eyes to the fact that our success in ministry is connected to our devotional life with God. Our progress in ministry is attached to our adherence to the commandments of God. As a leader, are you committed to studying the Bible always? Or do you preach much to others whereas your time and relationship with God are suffering? This is the peril of many ministers today. As a minister in the vineyard of God, know that as you get busier in His service, your devotional life will become more difficult. If this is not overcome, personal relationships with God will cease.
You may flow well in service and pulpit ministration but that is only a gift. You do not go to heaven because you have a gift but because you live and practice the truth. Your devotional life might be taken away from you by Satan if you are not careful. Satan can give you more opportunities to serve and keep you busy in leadership positions, then remove heaven from you. To avoid this tragedy, check up well. Are you too busy, with activities for God without a personal relationship with Him? Are you so occupied in business hunting for money to the detriment of your soul? Our key verse today has addressed this.
Can you see that the speaker was regretting he was made busy in others’ vineyards at the expense of his? When your devotional life with God is no more, it means no more time all through the day to relate with God. Is it your situation? Paul said, “I will never be a cast away after people have seen my work among them, preached on the streets, known me as a pastor, invited me to several places because of the gospel and afterward I missed heaven, will that not be woe to me? He said, “Never! I will not allow that.”
Thought for the day Your devotional life is your relationship with God
Song for the day I will go with Jesus every day, no matter the ……….
Bible reading for the day: Numbers 26-27; Mark 8:22-38
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