God bless you for taking the time to study.
TEXT: MATTHEW 14:22-33
Key verse: John 1:12 “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name”
Many churches teach that once someone is saved, he is saved for ever even if he sins, he would go to heaven. This is false doctrine and it encourages believers to sin. The case of Peter in today’s text illustrates how he got an experience, lost it and was helped by Jesus to regain it. The Lord responded to Peter’s request and bid him to come and walk with Him on the water but when Peter saw the boisterous wind, he feared and began to sink until Jesus stretched forth His hand, caught him and rescued him. This means that salvation brings you to Jesus but when temptation comes, you must call on Him to lift you up. Never claim once saved is forever saved, for there is no born-again sinner. With Jesus you will walk victoriously over sin. Learn this from Peter: He desired it and requested to come and walk with Jesus on water. Do you desire salvation? Many do not. What effort have you made to stop sinning? Have faith in Jesus and a power will come to transform you from sin. Jesus will give you supernatural power for a new life.
Fear and doubt removed the power that made Peter walked on water. If you are born-again but stopped and went into lesbianism, masturbation, stealing, lying or any form of sin, yet claim born-again, check yourself, for there is no heaven for sinners. Jesus didn’t change His mind over Peter. He was not the cause of Peter’s fall. He was still standing there. The word of God did not change either. It is forever settled. Peter removed his eyes from Jesus and focused on the boisterous wind which had been there before. The reason for your sin is that your heart is removed from Jesus and His power. You have disconnected yourself from the source of power to walk on top of sin. Don’t mention somebody else’s name because you are responsible. Faith dies when the work of faith is removed. Keep the word of God and don’t draw back, for God does not have pleasures on them that draw back. Whatever your situation, cry out and Jesus will save you.
Thought for the day: Do not sin as a believer, for there is no heaven for sinners.
Song for the day: Mercy O Lord (4x) Father show me Your mercy
Bible reading for the day: Leviticus 15-17; Matthew 27:1-31
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