God bless you for taking the time to study.
TEXT: Lamentation 1:10-12
Key verse: Luke 17:32 “Remember Lot’s wife.”
From testimony of Sister Finda, on the fate of those that missed the rapture:
“The people were of different races and classes but majority of them were young people. The devil laughed as he said, “Look at you, is this the Jesus, you said you serve?” When he so, some Christians would cry with pains because they are conscious that they knew Christ. “Is this the Jesus, you said you love?” When he spoke, it would echo into your life. You would feel the pain, and then he will laugh. He was happy that he won such a large crowd. With tears I went to the devil and asked him, “What are these people doing here?” He looked at me and laughed. When he laughed the pain would increase.
The devil said, “These are the people who did not make rapture.” I became conscious that the devil knows more about rapture than even me that profess to be a Christian. A girl with the attire of a harlot came out from the crowd of other young people and she was provoking one of the brothers she seduced to hell right in front of me and she was saying, “look at me honey, look at me.” The brother was crying, “Have mercy upon me Jesus, have mercy upon me Jesus. No sign of mercy, it was as if God was not hearing us praying because the whole place was dark, fearful, all you can see is terror, pain.
I pointed to another group and asked who they were. The devil said, “These are fake pastors and prophets that I sent to the earth to perform all kinds of signs and wonders. They do all kinds of miracles but they are for my kingdom. They hardly preach about holiness and they will deceive many.” When he said this, he raised up his left hand, all the people by his left hand were deceived by those false prophets, by those fake pastors, thousands of souls, thousands of young people, rich, poor, of all category. Then I exclaimed, “Jesus Christ!” The devil said, “Don’t bother. He will not hear you.” I wondered why the devil was doing all these to the people.
Thought for the day: The thief has three missions; to steal, kill and destroy.
Song for the day: Satan shall never never conquer me, Alleluia…
Bible reading for the day: Leviticus 24-25; Mark 1:23-45
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