God bless you for taking the time to study.
TEXT: Acts 15: 12-19
KEY VERSE: Acts 15:18 “Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.”
Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) is a Christian body established by God Himself on earth in 2009, for biblical truth, righteousness, and holiness in the churches of Christ and the genuine salvation of mankind in this end-time. The international headquarters is in Abuja, Nigeria. HOREMOW operates in units, chapters, regions, and zones as well as in schools, institutions, and establishments. The activities carried out include weekly fellowship meetings, International Bible studies, unit and chapter meetings, vigils, crusades, outreaches, conferences, seminars, etc…
God has by bountiful revelations, visions, prophecies, dreams, and some practical ways confirmed to the church and humanity in our day that He is the Founder of this movement on earth. Pastor Paul Rika, a preacher of biblical truth, righteousness, and holiness was personally chosen by God and placed over the movement as the earthly leader and International Director of HOREMOW. At present, Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide operates in all states in Nigeria and over 50 countries of the world, including countries in Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, North, and South America.
The Movement preaches scriptural doctrines; salvation from sin, the sanctification of the heart, baptism with the Holy Ghost evidenced by spontaneous speaking in tongues as the Holy Spirit gives utterance, restitution, marriage, Christian giving, evangelism, and rewardable Christian service. Other doctrines include healing, deliverance, prosperity, success, and miracles in biblical perspective, the rapture of the saints, great tribulation, the second coming of Christ, millennial reign, heaven, and hell in biblical knowledge and revelations.
Thought for the day: God has established HOREMOW for end-time revival.
Song for the day: Some years ago, I gave my life to Jesus
Bible reading for the day: Numbers 14-15; Mark 6:1-32
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