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Showing posts from October, 2022


God bless you for taking your time to study. GOD MADE MARRIAGE FOR THE FLESH, NOT FOR THE SOUL TEXT: GENESIS 2: 21-25  MONDAY OCTOBER 31st Key verse: Matthew 19: 4 And he answered and said unto them, Have you not read, that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female  There are many who think they are in a marriage relationship when actually it is not so by the scriptural standard. Where the Bible has not proved such a relationship to be a marriage, the continued cohabitation of the two on the assumption that they are husband and wife is seen by God as fornication or adultery. Oneness in marriage relationship is only a matter of the flesh, not in the soul. Our text today shows a husband and his wife are one flesh in marriage. When God created the man, he became a living soul when He breathed into him. The woman also became a living soul when God breathed into her. They are different. God says, “All souls are mine. The soul that sinneth, it shall die”.  M...


God bless you for taking your time to study. CLARIFYING CONFUSION OVER EVENTS OF THE LAST DAYS TEXT: 2 THESSALONIANS  2:1-10  SUNDAY OCTOBER 30th Key Verse: 2 Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let until he is taken out of the way.  The rapture comes before the great tribulation and we are now preparing for it whether the Jewish temple is built or not. If it is not built now, it shall be built after the rapture. The great tribulation must meet an already built Jewish temple because the antichrist shall enter that temple midway into the tribulation to declare himself as God. The rapture does not have the sign of Prophet Daniel’s prophecy which says that the abomination of desolation will enter the temple and defile it. In the rapture, the Lord comes as a thief in the night. There shall be a seven-year interval between the rapture and the second coming of Christ. When the rapture takes place, the Lord Jesus will tak...


God bless you for taking your time to study. THE BENEFITS OF HOREMOW ASSIGNMENTS TEXT: JOHN 8:30-35 SATURDAY  OCTOBER 29th   Key verse: 1 Timothy 4:13 Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. In today’s text, Jesus gave the secret of continuing in Him because He does not want anyone to backslide. God does not have pleasure in those who draw back and encourages us to do these assignments that help us to serve God with a pure heart. Benefits of HOREMOW assignments include: Continuous Training: In our text, Jesus said, “If ye continue in My word, then are ye My disciples indeed”. Through the assignment members receive training to know more and maintain righteousness to keep them alive in the Christian race.  Building of members’ faith:  Faith is built by the constant hearing of the word. The assignment provides an avenue for reflection and correction of members’ lives, thereby their faith is strengthened and holiness is achieved.  Maint...


God bless you for taking your time to study. TOPIC: WORSHIPPING GOD IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH TEXT: JOHN 4:20-24 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 26th Key verse: John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth. Jesus had a dialogue with the woman of Samaria on worship. She pointed to a mountain in her place and said their fathers worshipped there, but that the Jews were saying worship could only take place in Jerusalem. The word worship in the sense she used refers to the total of all the activities that go on in a place of religious meeting.  The Jews were contented with Samaritans on the right place of worship. Jesus showed that the Samaritans did not know what they were worshipping. Only those who were saved could understand the Person of worship. The Jews were taught the way of salvation by which they could worship God with understanding. God’s temple was in Jerusalem and the Jews resorted to Jerusalem during prescribed feasts for worship.  As the disc...


God bless you for taking your time to study. TOPIC: THE CATASTROPHES OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION     TEXT: REVELATION 6:13-17 TUESDAY OCTOBER 25th Key verse: Revelation 6:12. “And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood”. The great tribulation is described as being full of woes, judgments famines, bloody wars, explosions, plagues, terror, anguish, and earthquakes. It will be a time when men will call to the mountain to fall upon them; burning rocks will fall from heaven on the earth and scorch it, seas will be polluted, cattle and vegetation will be destroyed and millions will die from catastrophes “as if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him.  Leaned his hand on the wall and the serpent bit him” Beast and men will be in trouble, even mighty men will weep. “Neither their gold and silver (riches) will be able to deliver them”.  Cities and na...


God bless you for taking your time to study. MAKING THE MAN THAT MAKES THE MINISTRY. TEXT: MATTHEW 7:24-27   MONDAY OCTOBER 24th Key verse: 1 Thessalonians 2:19 For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? I liken the successful man to a wise man that laid his foundation upon a rock. He dug deep but there was much waste of time according to you, after you have gone far, maybe there is a waste of materials, waste of energy, and waste of money but it is successful in the sight of God. It is the foundation of everlasting success. Many people measure success in ministry by large membership, wide coverage, and having churches in various places. God does not think like that. Do not consider success by how much wealth you have gathered; you started your ministry not long ago and now you are making it.  What do structure, a large congregation, and wide coverage mean to God when souls are not saved and none...


God bless you for taking your time to study. TOPIC:  IS FAMILY PLANNING SCRIPTURAL? TEXT: GENESIS 38:6-11    SUNDAY OCTOBER 23rd Key verse: And the thing which he did displease the LORD: wherefore he slew him also. Genesis 38:10 QUESTION: Is it proper to use contraceptives since Onan was killed by God because of withdrawal and spilling of semen on the ground during intercourse? ANSWER: That is a misinterpretation of scripture. Onan was told to take his brother’s wife and produce a child because his brother died. He didn’t want it and he was spilling the semen on the ground so that no child should be formed. He didn’t want that act of love for his brother because he was a wicked person. God killed him, not because he was spilling on the ground but because of his reason for spilling on the ground. Some people have wet dreams and wake up to discover they have spilled on the bed. Has God killed them? Onan’s sin was deliberate and planned; that of the heart. The scripture is n...


God bless you for taking your time to study HOT TEMPER IS A SIGN OF DEMONIC INFLUENCE TEXT: PROVERB 9: 7-9  SATURDAY OCTOBER 22ND Key verse: Proverbs 9: 8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee; rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. Hot temper is an extreme anger. It is a deep rooted spontaneous anger that controls the individuals affected. Demons work effectively with anger. Anger no matter the level is dangerous for a Christian who wants to make heaven. Therefore must be dealt with to see it off your life. Anger is a natural feeling of pain and displeasure arising from the heart against a person for a bad action or against a bad circumstance. The Bible says, ''be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil'', Ephesians 4:26, 27. Anger has tendency of causing people to sin and defiling a holy person. The emotion of anger seeks to take over the reasoning and demands immediate action. Offence, worry and complaints...


God bless you for taking your time to study. DEDICATE YOUR CHILDREN TO JESUS  FRIDAY OCTOBER 21ST TEXT: MATTHEW 19: 13 – 15 Key verse: But Jesus called them unto him, and said, suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God Luke 18:16 Jesus said to bring the children to Me. Dedicate them to Me. Commit the children to Me. Jesus is saying, bring children to Me, I want to lay my hands upon them. I want to bless them. Children should be dedicated to Jesus, not just to the ceremony of prayer of dedication in the church but as they grow to know between good and evil, they should be led to Jesus. Lead them to Jesus. Ask Jesus to come into their hearts. Let Jesus come into their lives and change them. He told you to bring them to Him. This is a divine instruction.  Luke 18:15-17 15 And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them. 16 But Jesus called them unto him, and sai...


God bless you for taking your time to study. TOPIC: WHAT FAITH CAN DO FOR YOU TEXT: PSALMS 37:3-7  THURSDAY OCTOBER 20TH Key verse: Genesis 18:11 Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.  Do you want to go somewhere? Faith in God can lead you there. It may be difficult for people to get to that destination, but you will get there because you have handed the matter over to God. He will be the One to take over. If it involves taking you through the sea, He will dry up the sea and you will cross over. As long as you have believed in God, the matter is in His realm and He will lead you there. The mountains that may be on the way will be rolled away by the Lord because you have handed over everything to Him.  He will handle the valleys and the garrisons of the witches and wizards. He will also handle the demons on the way and you will reach the destination. Faith can give you victory. You will overcome t...


God bless you for taking your time to study. TOPIC: JOSHUA THE COURAGEOUS YOUTHFUL LEADER TEXT: Deuteronomy 34: 1-8    WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 19TH Key Verse: “This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have success” (Joshua 1:8) God instructed Moses to select from the heads of the tribes of Israel one person each to go and spy on the land of Canaan, and to bring the report of their findings to the congregation of Israel. A greater number of the spies brought an evil report to the congregation and the people revolted against Moses and Aaron. They even made a proposal to pick a leader who will lead them back to Egypt, but Joshua and Caleb encouraged the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it”. We have in our midst today pe...


God bless you for taking your time to study. DEAL WITH THE ROOT OF SIN.   TUESDAY OCTOBER 18TH TEXT: ROMANS 7:16-25. KEY VERSE: Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Sin has devastating consequences in the life of a believer. Apart from spiritual death, the opportunity of living eternally with the Lord Jesus Christ is lost due to a sinful lifestyle. The root of sin began in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve disobeyed God in Genesis 3:4-6. How can we deal with the root of sin in our lives? It is when we discover the things that God warns us in His word not to do and we run away from it, and completely refrain from it. Proverbs 1:10 “My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so tha...


God bless you for taking your time to study. MAN IS A UNIQUE CREATURE OF GOD MONDAY OCTOBER 17TH TEXT: GENESIS 1:26 Key verse: Proverbs 8:31. Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.  Man is the only creature that God gave life through breathing into his nostrils to become a living soul. And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7. Apart from man, no animal has a soul. Man’s ability to reason, think, decide and make a choice is made possible through his soul. This is the reason why man is subject to the judgment of God since he can choose whom he will worship and serve (Joshua 24:15).  Again, God made man as three distinct persons like Himself. No other creature has this nature. Angels in heaven do not have it. Man, therefore, is superior when compared to other creatures. God’s delight is with the sons of men because they resemb...


God bless you for taking the time to study. TOPIC WOMEN PROFESSING GODLINESS  SATURDAY OCTOBER 15 TEXT: 1 TIMOTHY 2: 8-10  KEY VERSE: 1 Peter 3:5 ‘For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted God, adorned themselves, being in subjection into their husbands’. Biblical teaching on Christian dressing is not for everyone, but for women professing godliness, who seek to be holy and righteous. When a person becomes born again, he or she is to be taught all things as the Lord has commanded in the scripture that preachers should teach all things including the aspect of the Christian dress. It is a pity that not all preachers bother about outward appearance. Any believer that does not want to conform to sound teaching in Christian dressing, in modesty and sobriety is not holy and shall not see God.   You may be born again and serve God with sincerity of heart. You may be dedicated to God’s service in the church and mission field. You may have seen th...


God bless you for taking your time to study. TOPIC: OBTAIN SALVATION TODAY! DELAY IS DANGEROUS. TEXT: ISAIAH 55: 6, 7    FRIDAY OCTOBER 14TH Key verse: 2 Corinthians 6:2 For He saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succored thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation.  Salvation entails saving a soul from eternal damnation. The Bible clearly states that all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) Therefore there is a need for mankind to be saved from sin and escape damnation. It is too risky for one to remain in sin. Delaying in sin is dangerous. Some of the reasons why some people delay sin include the deceptive pleasure of this present world, ignorance of the time of death, ignorance of the torments of hell, the patience of God toward sinners, etc... The way of salvation from sin and hell fire is revealed in the Scriptures. If you follow it, you will surely be saved. Go...


God bless you for taking the time to study. TOPIC: DON’T SEEK TO GO TO HEAVEN ALONE.   TEXT: LUKE 13:22-24  THURSDAY OCTOBER 13TH Key verse: Proverbs 11:30. The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls are wise.  In our text today, Jesus admonishes us to strive when it comes to the issue of heaven but come to think of it; are we going to heaven alone? Did Jesus die for us alone? Why shouldn’t we be concerned indeed? Why is the entire world perishing around us? When are we going to awake to the reality that our relations are not going to heaven because their names are not in the book of life? We are just seeing them on earth.  When are you going to become conscious of the fact that your colleagues in your workplace are just there in the shadows of today and that in a little while eternity shall envelop them in the torments of hellfire? When are you going to awake to the reality that all these people you meet in the market are like doome...


DOING RESTITUTION FOR PEACE AND CLEAR CONSCIENCE TEXT: PSALMS 119: 165-168  WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 12TH Key verse: Ps 119:173 Let thine hand help me for I have chosen thy precepts A testimony from Brother Mark Agoh of Kuje chapter: I was the principal of lyale community secondary school, Dekina, from 1981 to 1984. In the process of developing the school, I had to construct and equip science laboratories. This was necessary as the school was preparing its first set of students for WAEC examinations. I traveled to Benin City to purchase science laboratory equipment and chemicals and I did over-invoicing to the tune of about five hundred naira. From this money, I brought a motorcycle worth four hundred and fifty nairas. I did other over-invoicing which I cannot account for. In January 2020, I went to this school, met the principal, and confessed all these to him; the over-invoicing and the purchase of the motorcycle Suzuki 80. I promised that I will pay the money and add five times it. The...


God bless you for taking the time to study.  THE BENEFITS OF HAVING A GOOD MARRIAGE PARTNER TEXT: ISAIAH 32: 17, 18  TUESDAY OCTOBER 11th Key verse: ISAIAH 1: 19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land There are many benefits of having a good marriage partner that will help you fulfill your God-given assignments in life as a help-mate.  Proverbs 18:22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the Lord. These benefits include the following: Great peace: Great peace have they which love thy law; and nothing shall offend them, Isaiah 119: 65 You will enjoy the good of marriage: If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land, Isaiah 1:19 Peace and quietness in your home: Isaiah 32:17-18 17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever. 18 And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and sure dwellings, and quiet resting places;  You an...


God bless you for taking your time to study.  CORRELATION BETWEEN SOUND DOCTRINE AND HOLY LIVING TEXT: COLOSSIANS 1:28-29  MONDAY OCTOBER 10TH Key Verse: Job 11:4- For thou hast said, My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in thine eyes.  The correlation between sound biblical teaching and holiness means practicing sound teaching or doctrines of the Lord written in the scripture. If you teach sound teaching, there will be salvation and purity. People will be saved, cleansed, and made righteous. When your word is pure and what you teach is clean, you will see purity in your members because they are the balanced diet of the Spirit. If you feed your chicken, you will see their growth and health. If you feed your family with good food, you will see how they will react and respond to change from the good food they are eating. Sound doctrine produces purity in the lives of believers. Why you are not seeing people cleaning themselves is because the true teachings are not there. Wom...


God bless you for taking your time to study. REASONS FOR YOUR TESTS AND TRIALS TEXT: DEUTERONOMY 8:1-8, 16  SUNDAY OCTOBER 9th Key verse: Proverbs 8:13 “The LORD fears to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate” God designed life in such a way that man must live by faith in Him. Your challenges in life are but courses; at the end, you will receive a certificate. The suffering you are experiencing now will come to an end and you will wear a crown. Let nobody make you give up the crown awaiting you. The following are the reasons for your test and trial. God wants “to humble thee”: Pride was the cause of the fall of Satan. He wanted to be like God and desired worship. Herod exalted himself and received praise from men and was smitten by angels, eaten by worms, and died. The reason God will destroy the world is pride: Pride corrupts the wisdom of God in man. God in His love wants to take away pride so that man can be humbled and enter heaven....


God bless you for taking your time to study. TOPIC: A PRIVILEGED GENERATION! SATURDAY OCTOBER 8th TEXT: LUKE 10: 21-24 KEY VERSE: Luke 10:23 And he turned him unto his disciples and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: My name is Sister Jane Mallum. I got born again on 7th February 1988. The Lord saved me and cleansed me from worldly adornments. God brought me to HOREMOW in 2011 and I rededicated my life to God. The Lord has given me several messages for us in this marriage seminar because He is grieved. I cried a lot when He said, "I died to save man yet every day I see a multitude trooping to hell. Your nonchalant and unconcerned attitude makes Me worry and weep.” I told the Lord to give me a witness before I testify. As Pastor Paul Rika spoke of the nonchalant attitude of people; how we are indifferent and unserious, a sister began to cry out that it was Jesus speaking and not Pastor Paul Rika. I knew that the Lord had granted my request. The L...


God bless you for taking your time to study. GODLY MUSIC IS NOT FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT OF SINNERS TEXT: PSALM 137: 1- 6 THURSDAY OCTOBER 6th KEY VERSE: Psalm 50: 16. But unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare My statutes, or that thou shouldest take My covenant in thy mouth? The psalmist reveals that godly musicians do not perform on request to entertain sinners. Godly songs and music are not for secular occasions where the name of the Lord is mocked, and His word is trampled underfoot. Hence Christian musicians that perform for ungodly audiences during naming ceremony, weddings and other festive occasions which are not in the righteousness of God, are doing so in their pursuit of filthy lucre and not for the glory of God.  Songs of the Lord should be sung where souls can be led to Christ, believers can be edified, and the name of the Lord exalted. Christian instrumentalists and singers are not to minister for the dancing and jubilation of men in fleshly ple...


God bless you for taking your time to study. TOPIC: PROMOTE YOUR SPIRITUAL WELL BEING TEXT: DEUTERONOMY 6:5-7  TUESDAY OCTOBER 4th Key verse: Romans 12:11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord. Observe adequate quiet time with God. If you are too busy in the morning, then create another period. Even in your office, you can create time to be with God. Many years ago, as an office worker; I would trek for long distances and use the opportunity to pray on the way because it was not possible for me to pray in the office. Rather, I would pray on my way to and from the office and that way I would have had a good time with God in prayer. It made me feel good and fulfilled. Make personal spiritual commitment. Sometimes ago, I decided that I would be listening to four messages per day for one week. That commitment was heavy; it took me up to midnight listening to the messages. I sometimes stood up to ensure that I did not sleep due to exhaustion. The Lord saw my dete...


God bless you for taking your time to study. TOPIC: THE TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE  TEXT: REVELATION 19:1-10 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 5th Key verse: Matthew 24:21. “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be”  The Great Tribulation will occur after the rapture and will be a time of terrible suffering on earth. It is also referred to as the time of “Jacob’s trouble” Jeremiah 30:7. There will be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no, nor ever shall it be. It is called; the day of the Lord, a day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds of thick darkness, a day of waste and desolation and a time of trouble.  The purpose of the great tribulation is to make Israel suffer so that they can be ready to cry to the Messiah; the Lord Jesus Christ whom they presently reject, to come to them. It is also to judge the unbelieving men and women of all ages. The Bible ...


 God bless you for taking your time to study. TOPIC: JOSEPH: THE YOUTH WITH BRIGHT FUTURE TEXT: GENESIS 37: 1-3 Date: SUNDAY OCTOBER 2nd Key verse: Jeremiah 29: 11 For I know the thought that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thought of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. A careful look at the life of Joseph will show many ways in which the Lord revealed the future to him. The future of Joseph was revealed through some events, interactions and experiences in his life, which was like foretelling his future. You may notice these also in your life in a practical sense as you grow up and go through life experiences. Genesis 37: 3. Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children… and he made him a coat of many colours. Wonderful! That is another language of Joseph’s future. Anytime Joseph wore this coat, he was different from his brethren because he was the only one with a coat of many colours. His brothers were there but were not given this coat. In simple terms...