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TEXT: Acts 8:9-11

Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 5:11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one no not to eat.

Some people are offended and are complaining about the prayer against witches and wizards, and the ex-communication of those discovered in the Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide. Is there not a cause? They call it humiliation but to us, it is an eternal battle for our souls:

They are sources of defilement: In today’s key verse, we are not to regard nor seek after wizards or those with familiar spirits because their activities aim to defile the people and stop them from going to heaven. You refused to confess and believe God’s power and love for your salvation, therefore you are our enemy.

We will resist you in holiness, void of malice and bitterness. We won’t fight you in the flesh but spiritually according to the scripture. They bewitch the people in the house of God: We are fighting you because you are weakening the prayer lives of the people. You afflict their hearts, turning them to do what they don’t want to do.

You cause husbands and wives to quarrel and fight. You cause demons to possess people and make them commit immorality. You cast spells and sicknesses on people, therefore we will resist you and your activities.

They withstand ministers of God and their ministries: There was a revelation that someone came to plant charms at the gate of the International Director of HOREMOW and met somebody there who showed him many charms already planted there but they are not working.

Witches and wizards sent to HOREMOW, be informed that you are fighting a lost battle in Holiness Movement because God says He will not allow you. The battle is finished in the power of God, amen. Brethren, the Lord is with us, therefore don’t fear them and their activities.

The scripture says “he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not”. In this battle, you must maintain holiness to succeed. Join hands with us to fight and destroy their works in the church of God so that our journey to heaven will not be affected. 

Thought for the day: The battle against witches and wizards is a battle for our souls

Song for the day: Satan you are a liar, a terrible liar…

Bible Reading: Judges 18-19;
Luke 10:25-42. 


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