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TEXT: 3 John 1-8                                     
Key verse: Acts 4:34 Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them and brought the prices of the things that were sold. 
Gaius in our text was a well-beloved believer; generous and charitable. He was a lover of truth and righteousness; he walked in the truth; a holy and righteous man.  He did well to the brethren, and even to the people, he did not know. Believers in Christ testified to the truth of Gaius’ support to the brethren as the widows testified of the charity of Dorcas. Outside Jesus, your material resources will be stinking. When there was a need in the church in Jerusalem, God impressed on Barnabas to sell his land for the sake of the gospel. His action influenced others who did likewise. There are brethren that God sends on your way to support their ministry. Do so. Some of them for the sake of Christ’s gospel travel often, please help them. 
In apostolic days, gentiles were not involved in sponsoring their missionary journey.  It is unfortunate that our day's pastors are raising funds from sinners for crusade activities. Can you see why there is no impact in the life of the people we preach to?  They went forth taking nothing from the Gentiles (3 John 1:7).  That is where the difference is. When you are busy raising money from athletes, thieves and robbers, you are insulting the gospel. Therefore God cannot support you.  Peter rejected money from Simon the sorcerer because he was a filthy man. Therefore as a believer, be ready to support those who God has truly called into Christian ministry. Financial support should come from true and faithful Christians to ministers of the gospel. The Lord wants you to support them.
Christian giving is a divine commandment (Malachi 3: 8-10). Tithes bring sufficiency and abundance to the house of God. When God sees tithes in His storehouse, He will surely bless His people. When there was backsliding in Israel, the priests abandoned the work of God because they depend upon the entire Israel to live. Hezekiah stirred up revival in Israel and commanded them to start bringing the portion of God to Him. The people responded and abundance was realized. When the king came to the temple, the Priests were impressed because of the abundance they received from the people. Jesus in one of his meetings gathered crowd and at super time commanded that the people be fed. The Lord has made provision for the need of the gospel and the need of the preachers also. Know that there is always somebody present that will meet that need. That person can be you!
Thought for the day: Support holy preachers with your money
Song for the day: Give, it shall be given unto you, good measure……
Bible reading for the day: 
Numbers 30-31; Mark 9:30-50


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