For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: GENESIS 35:1-4, Psalm 139:15-16
Key Verse: “I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well” Psalm 139:14.
God is a perfect Creator. He keeps record of all the things He has created and calls them by name. All the organs and body parts of humans are recorded in His book of creation. Artificial hairs are not in God’s record of human body parts, neither are they required for the wellbeing of the man or woman, Matthew 10:30 “For the very hairs of your head are all numbered”. Hair attachment is Satan’s device to disfigure the woman, to the grief of God. It is an evil invention of Satan. The world is a place of evil fashion and design, controlled by the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that rules over sinners. The ungodly of the world set their taste after the evil inventions of the world. A foreign organ can be introduced into a human body on medical ground for health purpose, but to introduce foreign hair for fashion, is a sinful interference with God’s creative work. It denies God His glory and praise.
The human creature is fearfully and wonderfully made as seen in our key verse. The individual body parts and natural hair of every race, is fearfully and wonderfully made. God created the body with all its composition for His glory and praise. This praise should issue from us and from those that see God’s great handiwork in our natural body. Alas, the glory of God is being covered and His praise denied by the introduction of unnatural, dead and artificial hair! That which hinders the glory and praise of God is sin and is of the devil. It is defilement to the body, the temple of God; the believer’s body is the temple of God. The presence of the foreign hair is corruption and defilement to the body and God will not accept a defiled body for a temple. Those who use hair attachment are encouraging worldliness. If each hair on our head is numbered by God, I suppose their length and breadth are measured. To add to the hair God made is to abuse the handiwork of the perfect Creator and such act will attract His judgment.
Thought for the day: God is a perfect Creator
Song for the day: My head, my shoulder, my knees, my toes (3x), they all belong to Jesus
Bible reading for the day: Deuteronomy 23-25; Mark 14:51-72
God's blessings shall be following you continually for taking the time to study. Signs And Wonders Should Be According To Biblical Pattern Text: Mark 16: 17 – 20 Wednesday May 8th Key verse: Obadiah 17 “Upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.” God has prepared to direct us on holy service unto Himself. He tells us when the lives and services of people are corrupt because from the heart of men proceed the works they do. When people are righteous and holy, their service is also righteous and holy. Hence, the word says, make the people holy then their service will be holy, so if you accept to live a life of holiness, then the fruit of your service will be holy. So, it is very important to accept the life of holiness because the God that made you is holy; He will give you grace to be holy. You just make up your mind to be holy. Do not accept that no man can be holy; then Jesus came for nothing, Jes...
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