God bless you for taking your time to study. TRUTH IN THE GOSPEL DOES NOT DEPEND ON MAJORITY, TEXT: MATHEW 7: 13-14 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 30th Key verse 2 Timothy 3: 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. Worldliness in denominational churches these days makes worshippers to think that those carnal moves among them are normal and therefore acceptable to God. Since they see many churches involved in such carnal display, the conclusion among these deceivers and the deceived is that God is in their worship. Instead of looking into the Bible to see what the word of God says, they choose to copy one another as far as such worldly display brings more members and financial gain to them. To them, majority carries the vote, even if God is crying and souls lost. They forget that the word of God says in Exodus 23:2, that you should not follow a multitude to do evil. Truth in the gospel does not depend on majority, but on the sound word of G...
Daily devotional on horemow