God bless you for taking your time to study.
Key verse: Romans 12:11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;
Books have been written on ministerial success and people have organized seminars and conferences on success but then we want to hear what God has to say about success in ministry. Success is based on the book of God. It comes from commitment to the book of God; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night. It comes from knowing what is in the book of God, committing yourself to what is in the book of God, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein. Success comes from careful obedience to the book of God. This is the sure way of success; then thou shalt make thy ways prosperous and then thou shall have good success. Success of God is a good one unlike that of men.
Success in ministry means doing the ministry work in total obedience, compliance to the specification of God. ‘See that thou build the tabernacle according to the vision that I showed to you on the mount.’ That is success; working out a ministry in the way God instructed it, the way it is penned down in the book of God. That is where the problem is with mankind. Many are not ready to run the ministry according to the book of God and that is why they fail. Their ministries are never based on the book of God. How can they succeed? Those things they call success are not success. They do not last and are not valuable because they are not based on the book of God. Success in this sense is a spiritual word and man may not measure it aright. The success that is measurable by man is often a bad one because you may not be able to measure that which God has said since the word of God is eternal. That which you are doing has eternal bearing which your finite mind may not comprehend but if you can do according to specification you shall succeed. Yes that which we may think is not success is actually success in the sight of God. For instance, you need not condemn yourself over things of which you are actually successful.
Thought for the day: Good success comes from obedience to the word of God.
Song for the day: Give me that old-time religion
Bible reading for the day:
Psalms 128-131; 1Corinthians 7:25-40
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