For taking your time to study remain blessed.
NOVEMBER Tuesday 13th
TEXT: Matthew 18: 18-20
KEY VERSE: These all continued with one accord in prayers and supplication with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brethren. Acts 1: 14
The apostles of Jesus Christ and the early Church took up this lifestyle of prayer. They were seriously involved in the prayer business. They never rendered God’s attribute of answering prayers redundant. They knew that: “Ye have not, because ye ask not.” James 4:2. Preachers and believers who are living their lives without prayers cannot possibly live in holiness. The daily grace required to live the righteous life must be requested from God. Therefore, you just have to pray. You have no reason and no excuse not to pray. You are even committing sin when you leave this attribute of God idle, hence the prayerless man is a sinner.
Prayer is an all-time commitment. It is not something you do one day and abandon for the rest of the week, only to come back to it again. It will never work that way. It must be steadfast. If you want to get something cooked on fire, say beans, you do not light the fire and when the pot is hot (say, after five minutes), you put out the fire and come back after three hours to light the fire again and resume the cooking. After a while, you put out the fire again only to come back some hours later to resume cooking and you continue like that. If it is really beans you want to cook, how many days will it take to get it done, going about it that way? In the same manner, you delay answers by the short prayers you do without continuity. “They continued steadfastly,” means the apostles were continually praying. Make steadfast prayer a habit.
Thought for the day: Prayer is an all-time commitment
Song for the day: He is a miracle working God
Bible reading for the day:
Ezekiel 4-6; Hebrews 10:1-23
NOVEMBER Tuesday 13th
TEXT: Matthew 18: 18-20
KEY VERSE: These all continued with one accord in prayers and supplication with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brethren. Acts 1: 14
The apostles of Jesus Christ and the early Church took up this lifestyle of prayer. They were seriously involved in the prayer business. They never rendered God’s attribute of answering prayers redundant. They knew that: “Ye have not, because ye ask not.” James 4:2. Preachers and believers who are living their lives without prayers cannot possibly live in holiness. The daily grace required to live the righteous life must be requested from God. Therefore, you just have to pray. You have no reason and no excuse not to pray. You are even committing sin when you leave this attribute of God idle, hence the prayerless man is a sinner.
Prayer is an all-time commitment. It is not something you do one day and abandon for the rest of the week, only to come back to it again. It will never work that way. It must be steadfast. If you want to get something cooked on fire, say beans, you do not light the fire and when the pot is hot (say, after five minutes), you put out the fire and come back after three hours to light the fire again and resume the cooking. After a while, you put out the fire again only to come back some hours later to resume cooking and you continue like that. If it is really beans you want to cook, how many days will it take to get it done, going about it that way? In the same manner, you delay answers by the short prayers you do without continuity. “They continued steadfastly,” means the apostles were continually praying. Make steadfast prayer a habit.
Thought for the day: Prayer is an all-time commitment
Song for the day: He is a miracle working God
Bible reading for the day:
Ezekiel 4-6; Hebrews 10:1-23
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