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Showing posts from November, 2023


God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study. TOPIC: HEAD COVERING DURING WORSHIP  TEXT: 1 CORINTHIANS  11:3-16  THURSDAY NOVEMBER 30TH Key verse: 1 Peter 3: 3 "Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or putting on of apparel.”  Christ is the Head of the man and man is the image and glory of God. The man is the head of the woman and the woman is his glory. During worship: prayer, prophesying, or preaching, the man should not cover his head. During this formal period, Christ is the One in headship and God's glory is to be seen. If a man covers his head at this period it shows he has covered the headship of Christ and the glory of God. During this formal period, man is not in focus, he is not in headship and the glory is not his but God's, hence his headship and glory are to be covered.  This is visibly done by the veil on the woman's head. Angels who minister to the saints during worship e...


God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study  TOPIC: REVELATION OF THE BIOGRAPHY OF PASTOR PAUL RIKA (5) TEXT: JOHN: 20: 26-29  WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 29TH Key verse: John 20:27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. Then Brother Mike Sambo said, “It is today I believe that your marriage was planned by God because some of the places shown on the map that the arrow passed through even before your coming are places, I know that Pastor went to. It is today I believe that this was planned by God because it shows how God changed Sister Linda’s heart to love Pastor Paul Rika.” God came down on that date and He described all that happened. Jesus had to come down and work on Pastor Rika because he did not accept the revelation at first and He gave the revelation of the marriage to different people and stirred them to share the messages with Daddy unt...


God's blessing shall follow you, for taking out time to study. TOPIC: “MUMMY! COME BACK WITH THE BLESSING OF A BABY” TEXT: 1 SAMUEL 2: 1-10  TUESDAY NOVEMBER 28TH Key verse: 1 Samuel 2: “There is none holy as the LORD; for there is none beside Thee; neither is there any rock like our God.” My name is Sister Jemimah from the Taraba state chapter. I thank God for the wonderful blessing He has given to my family. I have been married for nine years and praying for the fruit of the womb but there was no issue. I attended the women's conference in 2022 and on the last night, something remarkable happened. Mummy Linda gave a revelation that the Lord Jesus had sent a white truck loaded with blessings and gifts for all participants in the conference. She said the angels offloaded the blessings and brought them right before the altar and encouraged us to make our requests to God because the Lord has presented an opportunity to everyone present to make requests from Him. I prayed ferventl...


God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study. TOPIC: WORLDLINESS TO BE AVOIDED IN CHRISTIAN DRESSING  TEXT: 1 PETER 3:2-5   MONDAY NOVEMBER 27TH Key verse: 1 Timothy 2: 9 "In like manner also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;” The word "gold" in the reading text and key verse above means jewelry, which is a collective word for earrings, rings, nose rings, chains, necklaces, bracelets: and items of ornamentation or bodily decoration. Holy women of old times did not adorn themselves with items of beauty and worldliness which were prevalent among the backsliders and ungodly society of their day. They clothed themselves with meekness, quiet spirit, and holiness, which is in the sight of God of great price. They were modest in outward appearance. To adorn yourself with ungodly things makes you unholy before God. Today there are children of God, even...


God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study TOPIC: THE CHARACTER OF WISE AND FOOLISH CHILDREN TEXT: MATTHEW 25: 1-5  SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26TH Key verse Proverbs 10:1 The Proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.  A wise child will make the father and mother glad and even his relatives and guardians. The neigbours will appreciate him and point him as a good example to their children. On the other hand, if the child is stubborn or foolish, he will bring pain and sorrow to his or her father and mother. Have you ever thought about this, that the scriptures always emphasize on the sorrow of the wayward child on the mother and not the father? The reason is because the father will automatically turn his back on that child, denying him as his child but rather putting the waywardness of that child on the mother to bear the shame alone. Unfortunately, the mother cannot deny him as easily as the father. She must...


God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time out to study. TOPIC: DO NOT MISINTERPRET THE GOOD WORKS OF GOD  TEXT: 1TIMOTHY 4: 1, 3- 5   SATURDAY NOVEMBER 25TH Key verse: Proverbs 17: 22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:  This tells us that medicines do good. The scriptures show that medicines do good to mankind. Isaiah 5:20 20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! It is not out of place in the Scripture to say; my son, take medicine, for medicine is good, just as the Scripture also says, my son, eat thou honey, for honey is good. If the Bible calls honey a good thing and somebody comes and forbids the eating of honey; saying do not eat honey, the same Bible says, woe to that man. The person who says, do not eat honey, it is evil, is saying, that what God says is good is not really good, but evil. That was what Satan told Eve and Adam in ...


God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study. TOPIC: REPLACEMENT OF UNSERIOUS LEADERS AND WORKERS (2) TEXT: ACTS 1: 15-22  FRIDAY NOVEMBER 24TH Key verse: Acts 1: 20 “For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate and let no man dwell therein, and his bishoprick let another take.” I was shocked by the way they were changing people. Jesus cried and said, “There is no more time. Do you think that I am joking? Do you think it is Pastor Rika preaching or taking charge of HOREMOW?  I Am in control of HOREMOW. See Pastor Paul Rika seated quietly there. I cannot come directly in My glorified nature, that is why I use his flesh.” He pointed to me and said, “You are one of the hypocrites that I have in this Movement.” Truly as I joined HOREMOW, I did not like to do any work; either to sweep, clean chairs, arrange the hall, or do any work. He turned to me and said, “You are one of the hypocrites that I have in this Movement.”  Jesus wept a...


Gods blessings shall follow you for taking the time to study. TOPIC: REPLACEMENT OF UNSERIOUS LEADERS AND WORKERS (1) TEXT: HEBREWS 6: 4-12  THURSDAY NOVEMBER 23RD Key verse: Hebrews 6: 12 “That ye be not slothful but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” The Lord Jesus asked me (Brother Ezi Monday) to look at the coordinators’ section. Some of the coordinators are not serious at all. Some of them were outside making phone calls. Some were outside gossiping. Some coordinators left their Bibles on their seats and some left their jotters and some carried their Bibles and their seats were empty. Only few people among them were seated. Also, many of the workers and members were outside and were not serious. The Lord showed me the few newcomers that were invited and were seated inside the hall. They were sinners, harlots, herbalists, Muslims fraudsters, thieves, armed robbers and wicked people. They came newly to HOREMOW and became converted.  The ...


God's blessings shall follow you for taking the time to study  TOPIC: WIVES SUBMIT TO YOUR HUSBAND AND HONOUR THEM TEXT: 1 PETER 3: 1-6  WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 22ND Key verssayse 22: 42 Saying, Father, if Thou be willing, remove this cup from Me:  nevertheless, not My will, but Thine, be done. Your husband is the physical representation of Jesus. It is easy to examine whether you are going to heaven or not because you have a physical image or person in your husband as God’s representative. What you do to him determines where you will be. It determines where you will spend eternity. Write the exam and correct the paper; you will know whether you wrote well or not since you have the answer. Ask your husband whether you serve him well according to scripture to know your eternal fate. This is so if your husband is walking according to the scripture and demands only scriptural obedience from you. You can grade yourself. It is like doing exercises in a textbook, with the answers at...


God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study. TOPIC: OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S WORD MUST BE TOTAL  TEXT: DEUTERONOMY 4: 1-2   TUESDAY NOVEMBER 21ST Key verse: Deuteronomy 5: 33 Ye shall walk in all the ways which the LORD your God hath commanded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you, and that ye may prolong your days in the land which ye shall possess.  The Bible is in your hand for complete obedience. God demands our total submission and complete obedience to His word. He has made this possible on the cross when Jesus died. Jesus died to bring the grace for total, complete, wholesome obedience and full righteousness to man. So, God is demanding complete obedience from man. In His instruction to the children of Israel, He demanded that they observe to do all His commandments. All, not some. The statutes and judgments talk about the word, which is pure, clean, perfect, sure, right, true, and righteous altogether. Harken to the word; obey a...


God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study. TOPIC: A REVELATION OF HOW JESUS USES PASTOR PAUL RIKA TEXT: HEBREWS 1: 7-10  MONDAY NOVEMBER 20TH Key verse: Hebrews 1: “And of the angels He saith, Who maketh His angel's spirits and His ministers a flame of fire.” Jesus turned to Brother Ezi Monday and said, “Come. You people have doubts about Pastor Paul Rika. You think he is the one speaking to you when he preaches. You don’t know that I am the One preaching through him. Come let Me show you how I use Paul Rika.” I followed Him to the hall. Coordinators were seated by the right side of the hall, the choir sat by the left side, and the congregation was seated also. He said, “Watch me very well. I will show you how I use Pastor Rika.” I saw Pastor Rika seated by the altar. The Lord Jesus Christ now moved close to Pastor Rika and removed his flesh as someone removing his clothes and made him appear as two. I could see double Pastor Rika but the other one was mere...


God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study. TOPIC: PUT GOD FIRST BEFORE YOUR SPOUSE  TEXT: MATTHEW 22: 36-40  SUNDAY NOVEMBER 19TH Key verse: Matthew 22: 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  Believer, you must put God first before your spouse. Adam, why not God first? Why put your wife in the first place before God? Adam, God said you should not eat that fruit, but you have obeyed your wife to disobey God and have eaten. God first! Do not listen to your wife if it contradicts God’s Word. Do not mind her crying; otherwise, she will put her blame upon you as Sarah did. Abraham asked, “Were you not the one that advised me? Sarah answered, Why did you take it when you knew my advice would lead you away from the will of God?” ‘But you were crying.’ “If I cry, will I not get tired? Ignore my cry; do what God tells you. Now that you have not done it, it has become a problem at home.” God first, not your wife. Do not mi...


God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study TOPIC: A REVELATION ON WASTAGE OF HANDBILLS TEXT: PSALM 68: 7-11 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 18TH Key verse: Psalm 68: 11 “The Lord gave the word; great was the company of those that published it.” My name is Brother Ezi Monday. I gave my life to Christ some years ago after watching the testimony of Mummy Linda Paul Rika. The Lord in His mercy saved, delivered and established me through a series of revelation messages He has been giving to me about Pastor Paul Rika and about Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide, HOREMOW. I thank God for this great privilege to share one of the testimonies the Lord gave to me as a new but uncommitted member of HOREMOW while I was attending fellowship with HOREMOW in Masaka. As preparations were going on for one of the International conferences that year, we were given hand bills of the program to share and invite people but I was not serious in Holiness Revival Movement at that time. I was jus...


God's blessings shall follow you for taking the time to study. TOPIC: GOD IS THE SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE OF MEDICINE (1)  TEXT: GENESIS 1: 1-19  THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16TH Key verse: Isaiah 28: 26 “For his God doth instruct him to discretion, and doth teach him.” The Bible says that it is not good that a man be without knowledge and that in the later time, knowledge shall increase. Without knowledge, there would have been no advancement in human society. Always go to the scripture; know the language and spirit of the scripture to enjoy the fullness of God. Medicine exists purely and completely separate from Satanism, although Satan often takes advantage of this to introduce his vices to humanity and lead them to bondage. God created water for our good; rivers and streams for our use. Someone may decide to sit by the river and enjoy nature but Satan has made many people to be afraid of water spirits. They warn others not to sit near the river because of water spirits. This is the work ...


God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study. TOPIC: DO NOT COMPROMISE YOUR FAITH BECAUSE OF MARRIAGE TEXT: ACTS 4:17-20    WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 15TH KEY VERSE: Acts 4: 20 For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.   Open your mouth because you have a Father. God supported the three Hebrew children. The marriage that brought you together can end at any time. When the king of Babylon, Belshazzar, promised Daniel the position of being the third in command if he interpreted the writing he saw on the wall, Daniel did interpret the dream but told him to keep his gifts. The kingdom was taken away from the king, who died that night. What can your husband do? How long will he live that you want to give up Jesus for him? He can suddenly die in an accident or through any other cause.  You can’t give Jesus up for mortal men. Please do not allow the fear of men to stop you from speaking about Jesus to him.    When the disc...


God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study. TOPIC: SHALL A MAN ROB GOD?   TUESDAY NOVEMBER 14TH TEXT: ACTS 2: 16-19  Key verse: Leviticus 27: 30 “And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord’s; it is holy unto the Lord.” Why don't you give tithes and offerings to support God’s work among men on earth? Why don't you give your riches and wealth to support true preachers of the gospel to make the gospel of salvation in Christ reach all men? What are you using your riches, wealth, and influence to do? After your death who shall take over? What shall become of your money and wealth? One of the greatest evils you can do to God in this life is to deny Him the privilege to use your money and material possessions for the spread of His salvation, righteousness, holiness, and eternal life among men on earth through the preaching and teaching of the word of God in the name of Jesus.  What account sha...


God's blessings shall follow you for taking the time to study. TOPIC: ENCOUNTER OF SISTER LINDA WITH LATE SISTER WAETSI (3) TEXT: REVELATION 21: 1-5 MONDAY NOVEMBER 13TH Key verse: 2 Corinthians 12: 3 “And I knew such a man, (whether in the body or out of the body, I cannot tell; God knoweth.)” Later, I was told that my husband had come into heaven. What a joy! Tell Pastor Paul Rika I have made heaven through his holiness teaching which I believed and practiced while on earth. I did not think I could qualify for heaven but now I am in heaven with my husband. Tell him not to be in doubt of where we are. But my children have not yet come to heaven.” “Please, tell Pastor Paul Rika that I am asking him for one thing on my children. I am not asking him to sponsor them in education on earth, No. What is in the earth by the way? I request that he should ensure that they know and practice righteousness and holiness in Christ, which will qualify them to come to heaven. Pray for the chil...


God's blessings shall follow you for taking the time to study. TOPIC: OBEDIENCE AND SUBMISSION IN THE FAMILY TEXT: MATTHEW 22: 37-39   SUNDAY NOVEMBER 12TH Key verse: Matthew 22: 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  Both parents have headship over children. The Christian family must recognize the headship of Christ and willingly obey and submit to Him fully. The Christian family must dedicate itself to loving the Lord God with all their heart. God must come first and not the husband, wife, or children. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God is the first commandment. So, first things first. Woman, it is the Lord your God first, not your husband. You should love him, but God first. The man should love his wife but secondary to Christ. Children should love their parents, but their first love should be for Christ. The first love of everyone in the family should be to the Lord God. Parents should cherish their children, which is the second co...


God's blessings shall follow up with you for taking the time to study. TOPIC: ARTICLES FOR BEAUTY CONDEMNED IN SCRIPTURES TEXT: NUMBERS 31:49-51  SATURDAY NOVEMBER 11tH Key verse: Zephaniah 1:8 “And it shall come to pass in the day of the LORD’s sacrifice, that I will punish the princes, and the king’s children, and all such as are clothed with strange apparel” Christians are holy people worshipping the holy God. Those who have not attained this standard are regarded as unholy Christians. Which category do you belong to? Unholy Christians lack complete knowledge of the word of God and are full of arguments. The holy ones understand God’s demands and do all to comply with them. They are conscious of the coming of the Lord and moderate their lifestyle; not willing to offend God. In line with God’s warning against Christians exposing their nakedness through ungodly dressing and adornment which give rise to lust and immorality in society, they avoid dressing according to the custom or ...


God's blessings shall follow you for taking the time to study. TOPIC: PREPARATION TO FACE END-TIME CHALLENGES TEXT: MATTHEW 24:3-13  FRIDAY NOVEMBER 10TH Key verse: 1 Timothy 4:1 “Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.” The end time signifies the end of the world, which began in the time of the apostles and is now in our generation. The end time is characterized with a high level of wickedness that if a child of God is not prepared it will be difficult to face the evil devices of the devil.  There is increase in iniquities, almost everywhere is polluted by the devil. Death is also on the increase; sinners are dropping rapidly into hell and the devil likes it so. Hell has enlarged itself to receive more death. Various fashions of nakedness are being introduced into the world and people are following it.  Witchcraft has become a norm in the society and Satan has s...


God's blessings shall follow you for taking the time to study. TOPIC: SATAN FRUSTRATED BY MINISTRY OF PASTOR PAUL RIKA (1) TEXT: 1 PETER 5: 6-11 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 8 Key verse: 1 Peter 5:7 “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.” In my dream, I, Sister Linda was running up and down to different countries for refuge. My husband, Pastor Paul Rika said I should go and hide because he could not understand what was happening. I flew to America to my sister, Lillian and she told me to go and join the military but when I got there, Satan was still after me. The devil chased hotly after me until God helped me to run into a safe place that the devil could not break into. I saw Lucifer wearing batman clothes with horns, standing as a giant but I was not afraid of him. He was looking at me and I was boldly looking at him. He spoke, demonstrating with his hands in a fearful way. He said, “You should thank God that He sent you to that man, because I would have torn you as a chic...


God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study. TOPIC: YOUR BODY IS AS A BUILDING HOUSING YOU TEXT: PROVERBS 3:13-24  MONDAY NOVEMBER 6TH Key verse: Proverbs 3: 13 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.  Your body protects you as a building. The main person in that building is yourself, but the building is important because it plays its own role, otherwise, how will you be sheltered from the sun, wind, and rain? How will you be protected from evil workers and evil men? How will you have real rest without a house? Your body is your house. If you get that body damaged, it will affect your inner parts and the enemy may take occasion of it to affect your spirituality. That is why some thieves, when they want to enter in to operate against you, they have to break through the house, and some will dig from outside and dig down the wall of the house. So, be very careful and watch over your body. That is why some have watchmen over ...


God's blessings shall follow you for taking the time to study. TOPIC: A NEW MEMBER’S BENEFITS FROM HOREMOW ASSIGNMENTS TEXT: PSALM 106: 1-5 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 4 Key verse: Psalm 106:12 “Then believed they His words; they sang His praise.” My name is Sister Lois Dickson from the Port Harcourt chapter. I joined HOREMOW on the 12th of June, 2022 and I was greatly impressed when I learned of the divine assignments so I immediately keyed into it. I want to testify of the wonderful things the Lord has done for me and through me regarding the HOREMOW assignments. By God’s grace, I qualified for first-class rewards at the international women's conference although I am not yet up to one year old in HOREMOW. When the international director visited the South-south for a conference last year, I was thrilled when he was appraising the performance of leaders and members in the divine assignments so I decided to participate. In January, God provided money to buy the 8 assignment books and I st...


God's blessings shall follow you for taking the time to study. TOPIC: LET YOUR SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY BE PRESERVED BLAMELESS     TEXT: 1 THESSALONIANS 5:22-24  THURSDAY NOVEMBER 2ND Key verse: 1 Thessalonians 5: 23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  God created humans with three parts: the spirit, the soul and the body. The three are separate entities but exist as one. Each part has to be taken good care of for one to live well here on earth and in eternity. It is very essential therefore that you care well for your spirit, soul and body. The three persons in a man - the spirit, the soul and the body, should be well cared for and be well preserved. It is the responsibility of God to preserve you blameless to the end. It is God's responsibility and it is also your responsibility. If you do your own part well, God will surely do His own. ...