God bless you for taking the time to study. TESTIMONY OF RESTITUTION BY SISTER ESTHER EFFIONG Text: Genesis 20: 1-18 WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1st Key verse: Luke 19:10 “For the Son of man came to seek and to save that which is lost” My name is sister Esther Effiong, an indigene of Akwa-Ibom state based in Katsina, Katsina state, Nigeria. My testimony started in December 2012. Before I came to know HOREMOW, I was a member of the Apostolic church and thought I was born again. However, during the December 2012 conference, I heard the messages of Sister Linda and Pastor Paul Rika, and I realized that my experience was not genuine. Based on the messages I learned about restitution, and I realized that I was in the wrong marriage because I was a second wife to a man. More so, I was putting on worldly attires which was also wrong and sinful to the lord. The true messages I received convicted me and I started attending meetings of HOREMOW in Kaduna state while planning how to do my restit...
Daily devotional on horemow