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For taking your time to study remain blessed.
Wednesday 3rd November 

Key verse: “Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” 
1 Thessalonians 4:18

We are commanded by God to minister comfort to one another. If this is done in purity and love, it is a service done unto the Lord. The works of comforting one another are works of love. These are done in words and acts. These works must be rendered to our neighbours as illustrated by the parable of the Good Samaritan and also much more to our brothers and sisters in Christ. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”(Galatians 6:10).

Let us pray with and counsel those who are in need. The following scriptural examples show how to embark on this service of comfort to our fellow men. 
· Joseph in prison ministered comfort to fellow prisoners who woke up saddened by a dream he had. That selfless service brought exaltation to him. Let us be concerned when our close ones become suddenly sad. Speak words of kindness, words of hope and encouragement to them according to  God's word. Make them trust in God and be peaceful.
· Joseph forgave his guilt-ridden brothers and spoke friendly to them and they were relieved and comforted. Let us comfort those who are guilty, and have offended us by ministering forgiveness and friendly words to them.
· Pharaoh's daughter had compassion for the baby Moses. See what great accomplishment that single act wrought in life.
· Manoah's wife abated the fears of her husband by logical argument. Let us through scriptural reasoning lead people away from fear to faith, and from guilt to assurance.
· Boaz showed kindness to Ruth who was a stranger in the land, who later became his wife. Acts of love to the opposite sex must be in purity.
· Naomi comforted Ruth by promising to assist her in getting a husband. 

Thought for the day: God comforts us that we may comfort others in distress
Song for the day: Somebody touched me (2x) Somebody touched my soul….
Bible reading for the day: Jeremiah 36-37; Philemon


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