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For taking your assignment study remain blessed.
Thursday 18th November 


TEXT: LUKE 1:5-7

Key verse: Psalm 40: I waited patiently for the Lord, and he inclined unto me, and 
heard my cry.

In spite of the challenge of childlessness, Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah were both righteous and blameless before God. Zechariah as a minister of God gave himself to holiness and godliness. Elizabeth, although barren, rather than Hindu self-itself pity, inferiority complex and blaming God was equally righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blamelessly. Elizabeth was blameless in her relationship with her husband as he found no moral fault in her neither did he have complaints about her.

Woman, does your husband as a man of God have complaints about you? Do you bother when he laments over your character and lifestyle? Do you claim to be blameless despite the accusations and complaints against you, or do you always claim that God is the witness to your righteousness? Make sure your husband has positive testimony of your Christian life and gives you divine approval. Labour hard for your husband to give you divine approval in the presence of God. It adds and completes your approval because having a good rea port of righteous lifestyle from your husband is a vital credential. That was the lifestyle of Elizabeth. You too can be like that. Elizabeth was not an angel. She was born of a woman like you. She was the wife of a man like you.

Despite the challenges Elizabeth experienced for prolonged barrenness, she relied on God to master her situation and conquer her challenges. Do not allow any challenge to affect your righteousness. Jesus is already coming and Satan is affecting believers, even sending agents to the gathering of children of God to pull down righteous Christians. As long as you hold to righteousness and holiness your name remains in the Book of Life. Overcome all temptations and pressures to get angry, frustrated or intimidated. Maintain unwavering faith in God and depend totally on Him for victory over sin, self, situations and Satan.

Thought for the day: Maintain unwavering faith and depend totally on God 
Song for the day: Unto Thee O Lord, Dolift up my soul….
Bible reading for the day: Ezekiel 17-19; Hebrews 13


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