For taking your time to study remain blessed.
Saturday 2nd October
TEXT: Psalm 23: 1-6
Key verse: Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
My name is Brother Ezi Monday. I am from the Benin Republic. I came to Nigeria in 2008 with my father to learn work. As I came, the person that carried me to Abuja is one of the people my father used to do charm for. My father is a native doctor and I was serving idols with him before I got converted through Mummy Linda's testimony. A sister gave me a CD message from Sister Linda and asked me to go and listen to it. I watched the CD that night. After watching the message, I started crying the way I have never cried since I was born. I cried until sleep took the cry from me that night, and early in the morning as my eyes opened, I started the cry again.
I cried much because I thought that I and my father were doomed already without any hope. My father is a herbalist and a cultist. He belonged to about four cults. He is a grandmaster, and he initiated us into many cults, so I believed there was no hope for us again. My concern now was for my little brothers and sisters to know God since I and my father were already condemned. I continued praying that morning that God will help me to go and tell my parents not to initiate my younger ones so that they may escape because I and my father are already condemned and without any hope again.
I later slept off and had a dream, and in the dream, I saw myself dressed up and carrying a bag as if I was to travel to my village to see my father. So Jesus now appeared there and asked me, “Where are you going?” I answered Him that I was going to the village to tell my father that I and he are already signed for destruction and have no hope again, but that he should not initiate my younger ones again so that they will serve God because there is a place that Jesus Christ has prepared for His children. The Lord now asked me, “Can you fight the battle alone?” I said, “Ah! I will go and try it. I will go and fight it.” He said, “Remember that your father promised you battle, I will give you the man that will help you because it is a tough battle and you cannot fight the battle alone.”
Thought for the day: Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift my soul.
Song for the day: The Lord knows the way through the wilderness, all I have…
Bible reading for the day: Isaiah 24-26; Ephesians 4
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