JUNE Wednesday 9th
TEXT: ACTS 8:5-23
Key Verse: Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee Acts 8:22
Satan is very crafty and must be fully exposed. Repent and confess your witchcraft otherwise how will you profess Jesus with the covenant you have made with the blood of human beings that you have drunk. You cannot serve two masters.. He that hides his sins shall not prosper. He that renounces Satan and expose him shall have full deliverance. If you are in witchcraft, repent genuinely and report yourself to the ministers to confess your witchcraft. If you say, “Ah I have repented long ago”, did you meet the ministers to confess? Did you confess the idol you have been serving? Did you confess the things you planted inside water? No wonder many are called but few are chosen. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
Simon the sorcerer was a wizard, a witch doctor, when the gospel came the people believed, Simon believed also and was baptized and was going with the apostles seeing the miracles that happened. He joined the church without proper confession of his witchcraft, he became an elder but those demons did not leave him because the property of Satan was still with him. Certainly those witchcraft powers returned to Simon. Now it has turned to charismatic witchcraft, Pentecostal witchcraft. How did it happen? It is because he did not confess his witchcraft when he repented, the powers got back to him.
Corrupt thoughts and practices returned to him, at this time unnoticed to the people around him. He was looking for Holy Ghost power to expand his work. He was preparing for ministry, so that anyone he touches falls under anointing but he is a wizard. He tells you about Jesus but he uses the power of Satan. How is it that there are still workers and leaders that are Satanic in the church of Christ? When they were born again they did not confess their witchcraft, occultism and demonism. Some were indeed delivered but later returned to marine witchcraft when Satan offered them more rewards of abomination.
Thought for the day: You can’t outsmart Satan follow the bible to defeat him.
Song for the day: Deliver me Oh Lord, Deliver me by Your power…
Bible Reading for the day: 2 Chronicles 29-31; John 18:1-23
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