MAY Wednesday 19th
TEXT: John 14:1-3
Key verse: John 14: 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
From our text Jesus told His disciples not to be troubled about many things in this life; for instance, you may think about certain things you do not have in this life. That should not be your problem. Just know that everlasting comfort awaits you. The Lord has gone to prepare a place for us. And when I go and prepare the place for you and finish it, I am coming back to take you there. That is why a song goes thus “He’s coming back again my Lord is coming back again. “I am coming to take you at the rapture to be with Me.”
Christ spoke this to believers, urging them to be comforted because He will soon come. They are the ones He is coming to take home at the rapture to be with Him. He will give them mansions and bless them and reward them for all that they have suffered for Him. For the patience of life and the service they have rendered to Him, He shall reward them of that when they shall be with Him in heaven. This is the promise Jesus made to the church.
Now, this book which I am bringing the words of Jesus Christ from was written over 2000 years ago and is now being fulfilled in our time. Available information shows that we are the last generation of believers that will be alive and witness these things that are written down in the scriptures to be fulfilled.
The governments of the world are making fabulous plans of 100 years, 50 years or 20 years respectively. But I tell you, it shall be interrupted, because the owner of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ is coming, and everything that has a beginning has an end too, therefore the end of all things is at hand. This is what the Lord Jesus said.
Thought for the day: The Lord Jesus Christ the owner of the world is coming
Song for the day: He is coming back again, Jesus is coming back again ……
Bible reading for the day:
2 Kings 23-25; John 7:1-31
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