MAY Thursday 20th
TEXT: LUKE 1:74-75
Key Verse: “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. 33 This he said, signifying what death he should die.” John 12:32
God’s heart-beat is the redemption of souls but many people are more concerned with their denominational churches than pleasing the Lord. To focus on Jesus:
1. Evangelize for Christ: if your mind is not in Jesus but the denominational church, you will only be inviting people to your denomination. We are not just bringing people to HOREMOW but to Jesus.
2. The evangelist must possess personal salvation. Jesus says that you should get yourself saved before saving others. “Why are you directing Me to others but you are still in sin yourself,” Jesus says you are a pretender, worse than the normal sinner. First, remove the log that is in your eyes, then your work will have a reward. Otherwise, your work will be in vain. A preacher that is not willing to surrender to Jesus but is preaching, directing Jesus to others, is a hypocrite
3. Passionate and fervent love for God to seek the salvation of others.
4. Have Compassion for sinners. A look around the world reveals that both educated people and illiterates do not know God. See the Moslems, Buddhists, pagans, atheists and nominal Christians deceived and hardened against the gospel. Mary dogma has taken the Catholics who appeared to have come near but missed it all. Look at China and India with over 3 billion people that are mainly unbelievers. The few professing Christians there are even Catholics.
What about Pentecostal churches where their leaders are using evil powers to bewitch the ignorant people? Most people attending these big churches, including holiness churches require the second touch. What a terrible situation! How will you get the message to those who are ready to fight you, who are older than you, or even your family members? You need passion, wisdom, and boldness. If you are too conscious of death, that witches and wizards will attack you, then you will not preach. May God help you to evangelize and win souls.
Thought for the day: Many churchgoers require second touch evangelism.
Song for the day: We can go up and take the country…
Bible reading for the day:
1 Chronicles 1-2; John 7:32-52
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