For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: Gen 2:24; Gen. 3:17
KEY VERSE: 1Pet3:7 “Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.”
Resource management in marriage is one of the major areas which brings serious conflict in marriage. Sometimes the conflict or contention is so sharp that it results in separation or divorce. Even if it does not result in divorce, because of certain considerations, as religious background of the couple, it may cause a temporary or permanent damage to the marriage such that righteousness and holiness are affected in the life of the couple. God does not want such situation in the life his children for they are both heirs of salvation.
What are resources? Dictionary defines a resource as: (1) That which is resorted to for aid or support. (2) Available means or property; a supply that can be drawn on. In the context of this topic, resources means family property which the couple depends on for living – money, people, vehicles, food, farm, houses etc. In the management of family property the scripture has stipulated the basis and acceptable standard for usage in righteousness and holiness, which if followed will not only yield peaceable co-existence between the couple but also enables them to enter heaven at last.
Three vital areas of importance in marriage resource management are: (1). Obedience of the wife unto the husband as unto the Lord; (2). The submission of the wife’s resources to her husband. (3). Wisdom in Submitting Your Resources in Righteousness and Holiness. The wife’s righteousness will be affected if she obeys the husband against the commandment of God. For example; if the husband asks the wife to buy him a bottle of beer. She should not obey. There was a case of a husband who asked the Christian wife to put dye on his hair the wife refused, telling him that it was a sin. Even though it caused her serious persecution she did not yield. Wives, be strong in the Lord and sin not. That is not disobedience to a husband. Let wives always take God first. Apart from breaking the law of God, the wives must be totally obedient in everything. Some women are obedient to everything that their pastors tell them but they will not do so to their husbands. This is wrong. Similarly, every struggle for headship with a man by a woman will attract God’s judgment.
Thought for the day: The man should have the final say matters of righteousness and decision
Song for the day: He is the great Provider (4x) He will surely provide for you.....
Bible reading for the day:
Ezekiel 34-35; 1 Peter 2
TEXT: Gen 2:24; Gen. 3:17
KEY VERSE: 1Pet3:7 “Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.”
Resource management in marriage is one of the major areas which brings serious conflict in marriage. Sometimes the conflict or contention is so sharp that it results in separation or divorce. Even if it does not result in divorce, because of certain considerations, as religious background of the couple, it may cause a temporary or permanent damage to the marriage such that righteousness and holiness are affected in the life of the couple. God does not want such situation in the life his children for they are both heirs of salvation.
What are resources? Dictionary defines a resource as: (1) That which is resorted to for aid or support. (2) Available means or property; a supply that can be drawn on. In the context of this topic, resources means family property which the couple depends on for living – money, people, vehicles, food, farm, houses etc. In the management of family property the scripture has stipulated the basis and acceptable standard for usage in righteousness and holiness, which if followed will not only yield peaceable co-existence between the couple but also enables them to enter heaven at last.
Three vital areas of importance in marriage resource management are: (1). Obedience of the wife unto the husband as unto the Lord; (2). The submission of the wife’s resources to her husband. (3). Wisdom in Submitting Your Resources in Righteousness and Holiness. The wife’s righteousness will be affected if she obeys the husband against the commandment of God. For example; if the husband asks the wife to buy him a bottle of beer. She should not obey. There was a case of a husband who asked the Christian wife to put dye on his hair the wife refused, telling him that it was a sin. Even though it caused her serious persecution she did not yield. Wives, be strong in the Lord and sin not. That is not disobedience to a husband. Let wives always take God first. Apart from breaking the law of God, the wives must be totally obedient in everything. Some women are obedient to everything that their pastors tell them but they will not do so to their husbands. This is wrong. Similarly, every struggle for headship with a man by a woman will attract God’s judgment.
Thought for the day: The man should have the final say matters of righteousness and decision
Song for the day: He is the great Provider (4x) He will surely provide for you.....
Bible reading for the day:
Ezekiel 34-35; 1 Peter 2
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