For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18
KEY VERSE: 1Thessalonians 4:16 “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:”
Jesus left the earth back to heaven with the promise that He would return to take believers from earth to be with Him John 14:1-3. The Church is expecting the coming of Jesus to take them from the earth to heaven. This events is called the Rapture, the catching away of the saints from the earth in a moment 1Thessalonians 4:13-18. We are in the end time and in the period of the rapture. Believers must be always be in righteousness and holiness in preparation for this unique and universal events is taking place any time from now. This event involves Jesus Christ, accompanied by heavenly angels and saints descending from heaven to the earth. Jesus shall proceed to the earth for their bodily resurrection.
True and holy believers who are alive on earth during that period shall suddenly change and shall be transformed into glorious body. The dead in Christ shall rise first and the saints alive on earth shall catch up with them to meet the Lord in the air, who shall go with them to heaven for the marriage supper of the Lamp and the reward or Judgment of saints. The rapture of the saints is what is expected at anytime from now when the dead in Christ shall be raised and we who are alive shall be changed and we shall all meet with the Lord in the air who will take us to Heaven for the judgment seat of Christ where every believer shall receive his or her reward according to his or her works.
The Two Resurrections: There are two types of resurrections. These are called the first resurrection and the second resurrection. Revelation 20:6. They are also called the resurrection of life and the resurrection of the damnation. John 5:28; Daniel 12:2 The first resurrection begins at the rapture, the resurrection of the Church age saints to the resurrection of Old Testament saints shortly before Christ’s millennial reign after the Lord has finished His work on Israel at the end time of the seventieth week prophesied over them. Daniel 9:24. The first resurrection being the resurrection of the righteous, then, afterwards the resurrection of sinners to damnation, after the Millennial reign of Christ on earth.
Thought for the day: There are two types of resurrections; the first and second resurrection
Song for the day: When You come to collect Your people, remember me O Lord......
Bible reading for the day:
Ezekiel 16; Hebrews 12
TEXT: 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18
KEY VERSE: 1Thessalonians 4:16 “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:”
Jesus left the earth back to heaven with the promise that He would return to take believers from earth to be with Him John 14:1-3. The Church is expecting the coming of Jesus to take them from the earth to heaven. This events is called the Rapture, the catching away of the saints from the earth in a moment 1Thessalonians 4:13-18. We are in the end time and in the period of the rapture. Believers must be always be in righteousness and holiness in preparation for this unique and universal events is taking place any time from now. This event involves Jesus Christ, accompanied by heavenly angels and saints descending from heaven to the earth. Jesus shall proceed to the earth for their bodily resurrection.
True and holy believers who are alive on earth during that period shall suddenly change and shall be transformed into glorious body. The dead in Christ shall rise first and the saints alive on earth shall catch up with them to meet the Lord in the air, who shall go with them to heaven for the marriage supper of the Lamp and the reward or Judgment of saints. The rapture of the saints is what is expected at anytime from now when the dead in Christ shall be raised and we who are alive shall be changed and we shall all meet with the Lord in the air who will take us to Heaven for the judgment seat of Christ where every believer shall receive his or her reward according to his or her works.
The Two Resurrections: There are two types of resurrections. These are called the first resurrection and the second resurrection. Revelation 20:6. They are also called the resurrection of life and the resurrection of the damnation. John 5:28; Daniel 12:2 The first resurrection begins at the rapture, the resurrection of the Church age saints to the resurrection of Old Testament saints shortly before Christ’s millennial reign after the Lord has finished His work on Israel at the end time of the seventieth week prophesied over them. Daniel 9:24. The first resurrection being the resurrection of the righteous, then, afterwards the resurrection of sinners to damnation, after the Millennial reign of Christ on earth.
Thought for the day: There are two types of resurrections; the first and second resurrection
Song for the day: When You come to collect Your people, remember me O Lord......
Bible reading for the day:
Ezekiel 16; Hebrews 12
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