For taking your time to study remain blessed.
Key verse: “For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not” 2 Corinthians 8:12.
Many preachers induce their audience to “sow seed,” so God may answer or bless them speedily. This strange doctrine suggests that whatever you want from God, just give Him something and he will answer you and you will have what you are looking for. Some go to the point of saying the more your offering, the faster or more surely the answer to your prayer. Preachers of seed sowing do not bother about the sins of the people. To them what is more important is their gift of money and material resources to God. Some of these preachers demand money and material gifts from those that come to them for prayer. Some others go into negotiation of how much money to give for deliverance to be carried out. Commit yourself to be led by the Lord to give to the right ministries and ministers:
{i} They have been saved from sin by the mercy of God through faith on the Lord Jesus Christ. {ii}They have been given the Christian ministry according to the grace and calling of God. {iii} They are able and zealous ministers of the gospel. {iv} They ensure sin and evil do not cleave to them in their walk with God and service for Him. {v} They do not use human wisdom or craftiness in the ministry; they are not pursuing personal gains or ambitions. {vi} They are not liars or deceivers; what they preach and teach is the word of God and not human philosophy. {vii} The truth they teach is verifiable from the Holy Bible. {viii} Those who see them acknowledge that they are righteous, holy and true. {ix}God who sees into the heart approves them through signs and wonders in the name of Jesus.
These are the ministers you are to support. Whatever you give to them is truly given to the Lord. These are they who have the mandate to evangelize the world, plant churches and teach the believers the whole counsel of God. Partner with them through your money and material resources. Pray for them as you support them materially that the work of God may prosper in their hands. Please do not allow any one of them to be starved because he is not in your denomination. There is no denomination in Christ and in heaven. May the Lord grant you deep understanding in this matter.
Thought for the day: What you give to holiness ministers and ministries is truly given to the Lord.
Song for the day: When the battle is over I shall wear a crown, I shall wear a crown…
Bible reading for the day
Exodus 29-30; Matthew 22:1-22
God's blessings shall be following you continually for taking the time to study. Signs And Wonders Should Be According To Biblical Pattern Text: Mark 16: 17 – 20 Wednesday May 8th Key verse: Obadiah 17 “Upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.” God has prepared to direct us on holy service unto Himself. He tells us when the lives and services of people are corrupt because from the heart of men proceed the works they do. When people are righteous and holy, their service is also righteous and holy. Hence, the word says, make the people holy then their service will be holy, so if you accept to live a life of holiness, then the fruit of your service will be holy. So, it is very important to accept the life of holiness because the God that made you is holy; He will give you grace to be holy. You just make up your mind to be holy. Do not accept that no man can be holy; then Jesus came for nothing, Jes...
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