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Caution Against Physical Beauty-Mindedness
Sunday 2nd March
Text: 2 Corinthians 7:1
Key verse: Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that fear the LORD, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30
Women should not set their minds on achieving external beauty through worldly plaiting of hair, wearing of gold (jewelry), and putting on of apparel. Let women seek the beauty of the inner man of the heart, which is not corruptible. This beauty is manifested in a holy woman through meekness and a quiet spirit. This is the beauty which is of a great price in the sight of God. This was how the holy women of old adorned themselves, being subject to their husbands. Women who do well in righteousness and holiness are the daughters of Sarah. Christian women are being led away from physical beauty-mindedness to inward beauty-mindedness. The items which promote physical beauty are warned against, which include jewelry, represented by the word "Gold" in 1 Peter 3:1-6, and 1 Timothy 2:9.
Beauty is vain. Physical beauty-mindedness in a Christian woman will breed pride, lust, immorality and insubordination to her husband. Physical beauty mindedness in a woman will hinder modesty, moderation and sobriety. Heart purity and holiness will be impossible where the mind is filled with the desire and pleasure of physical beauty. Nevertheless, the Christian woman must be clean, neat and decent; her adornment should manifest godliness and holiness and glorify God among men.
The glory of God, of course, is the joy and contentment of a true husband. The woman does not live for herself nor for her husband but for God. She shall give account of her life to God. Hence, the woman does not adorn herself mainly to please her husband, but God. In this regard, no woman should submit herself to pressure from an ungodly husband, to use jewelry or dress in a way that is unbecoming to righteous and holy women on the narrow way to heaven. What shall it profit any woman, if she gains her husband but loses her soul in hell? Christian women must be convinced of godly adornment and stick to it to the end.
Thought For The Day: Glorify God in your adornment.
Song For The Day: I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.
Bible Reading For The Day: Deuteronomy 28-29
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