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True And Holy Believers Are Debtors
Saturday 8th March
Text: Romans 1:13-15
key verse: I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. Romans 1:14
It is our responsibility, who have been saved and know the Lord, His word and His ways, and walk in His righteousness and holiness, to make sinners know God in righteousness and holiness, so that they too can inherit eternal life. We have become responsible by the very knowledge of the truth, and by the very discovery we have made. Apostle Paul said, “I am a debtor. I owe much because of all these ignorant Christians and unbelievers that surround me. They are waiting for me. All these Christians that do not know the true word of God are waiting for me. All these ministers and those ones that are fervent in spirit but have spots in their lives are waiting for me. I am a debtor.”
The case of the church is like the case where Benhadad the king of Syria wanted to destroy Samaria, to capture the people for himself. The devil has surrounded the church; no way for people to come out. You see what is going on in the churches these days? In some of these churches, those wanting to be leaders over the people go to idol worshipers to collect demonic powers in order to be elected to become presidents, and chairmen over the church or denomination; the people perish! The devil has besieged the people round about. The devil has taken over the altar and the preaching. Those that are preaching, check their pockets, you will see charms in their pocket, because as you come out, they are attacking one another. The pastors in their meetings are attacking one another, killing one another, and poisoning one another. That is what is going on in the Christendom. There is great famine of the word of God, of righteousness and holiness. No way out for these people. Satan has caged them! Therefore, true and holy believers are debtors to these individuals and churches. You, where do you belong?
Thought For The Day: True and holy believers are debtors to the lost
Song For The Day: Jesus set me free why should I be bound
Bible Reading For The Day: Joshua 11-13
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