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Wanted In Our Generation, David To Defeat Goliath In Christianity
Text: 1 Samuel 17: 4, 8 - 11
Monday 3rd March
Key verse: And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause? 1 Samuel 17:29
Christianity suffers much reproach because darkness fills the world. The world has forgotten God. The Church too is forgetting God, because the activities of Satan, demons, and satanic agents among men have put the church under challenge. God is looking for people to revive the church and restore holiness. From our text, the army of Israel could not help the situation, so, the Lord sent a youth to handle the situation. God is looking for people to send to communities, to deliver them from satanic terror, challenge, and bondage. God needs people to send to denominations, to challenge the spirits mocking the people of God and deliver them from bondage.
You may see congregations worshipping, making noise, dancing, praising, and you may think they have any power to face Satan; they don't have the power to face the devil on the matter of sin. They don't have the power to face the spirits that corrupt the youths, both in the church and the world. As the Israel soldiers gathered but didn't have the power to face the Philistines, so you see people gather in churches without the power to fight the devil, demons, and agents of the devil at work in the church against the ways of God. Satan does what he wants against righteousness and true worship of God. They challenge and terrify the church from every angle. They use Islamic religion or some other kinds of religion in society to challenge the church.
See how helpless the church is in the presence of Satan. How helpless the church is in the hands of Jezebel, the satanic prophetess that is in the church wasting everybody. They teach witchcraft in the schools and practice it in the churches; initiating people and causing havoc to hinder marriages, jobs, good health and prosperity. They ensure that nobody is saved from sin but remain under the power of evil forces. The ministers of the church don't have the power to withstand devils operating in the church and in the world against God and against themselves.
Thought For The Day: Most churches lack power to face the devil on the matter of sin
Song For The Day: All power belongs to Jesus
Bible Reading For The Day: Deuteronomy 30-32
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