God bless you for taking the time to study.
TEXT: Revelation 3: 14-22
KEY VERSE: Revelation 3: 15 “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.”
If you are a child of God, you are born again, you know the true teaching of the word of God, you are living a holy life, you are determined to enter heaven you are waiting for the rapture of the saints which shall take place soonest, you are sorrowful for the doom hanging over sinners around you and in the world, you are grieved over the state of the church today, backsliding and lukewarm, you long for the revival of true Christianity in your community and the world, you desire to kindle it or to support the fires of end time revival of the true gospel of Christ Jesus with your money and material resources, then it is essential you know where to invest your resources in order to realize your desire. The types of churches and ministries in our world today are presented in the scriptures. The two ways stated in (Matthew 7:13-14) the scripture represents the two kinds of churches and ministries in the world today.
Many churches and ministries are on Broadway and their end is hellfire. You would not use your resources to support hellish business! You would not want to encourage anyone to go to hell with your tithe and offerings. You may be in one of these churches yourself as Lot was in Sodom, but Lot would not pay his tithes in Sodom. Every investment done in broad-wat churches and ministries shall be destroyed by fire.
Few churches and ministries are on the narrow way to Heaven. Support churches, ministries, and ministers that are following the narrow way with your money and material resources. They have the divine calling and direction. They have the message and doctrines of truth. They have the vision and are on the mission of bringing souls to Christ and believers to his holiness. Do you know it is wrong to worship in such broad-way churches or even support their preachers? Avoid them.
Thought for the day: Broadway and wide gate leads to destruction
Song for the day: Goodbye world, I go no more with you…
Bible reading for the day: 2 Chronicles 10-12; John 13:18-38
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