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God bless you for taking the time to study.

Text: Genesis 37: 5 -11 


Key verse: Romans 8:19. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
Have you ever dreameof d a dream thaconcernsrn your future? Did you understand the dream? The Lord communicated Joseph’s future to him through dreams, but sometimes Satan too can give you a dream spelling a dark future for you. Reject that dream and cancel it in JesuChrist'sst Name, Amen. The dream that God has given you is the one you shall prafor y and claim. Joseph’s future was described to him in a dream, in a language that he did not understand. Joseph was face to face with immorality in the house of Potiphar when his wife tempted him, but he refused to fall for it. This is the reason some miss ouonin their future goodness. They are not patient in their tribulations and adversaries. 
He was thrown into prison as a result of lies told against him, but while there, God gave hifavorur in the sight of the Prison warder. God made Pharaoh’s two prisonero have dreams and gave Joseph the interpretations which created room for connection to Pharoah. Joseph was obedient to his parents. Some children will say “I will not go, the place is too far, or I cannot go alone” many children do not obey parents andsand , some curse or fight them. Such ones will not receive blessings from God, but His judgment. They may not live long on earth; evil may happen to them. 
Do not join these evil children. God does not have a good future for such youths. Joseph also loved his brethren as he went about in the bush looking for them and was happy when he found them. The report of their evil deed to their father was because he did not want them asinine. I do not know how your future shall be. God’s plan could be tampered with; many peoplwhomat God had planned to give a good future areand anyonewany are mad on the streets. Tell God to take care of you. 

Thought for the day: In suffering, commit the keeping of your soul to God.

Song for the day: Power belongs to God (2x) In heaven and the earth …

Bible reading for the day: Deuteronomy 5-7; Mark 12:1-27


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