God bless you for taking the time to study.
TEXT: MATTHEW 28:11-15
Key verse: Matthew 28:12,13 And when they were assembled with the elders and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night and stole him away while we slept.
The devil has commissioned his agents to work against HOREMOW on the internet. There are those whose duty is to do this online to dissuade people from believing the sound scriptural truths taught in HOREMOW. The aim is to destroy more souls in hell, as the denomination has already disappointed God. God has planned and raised the movement, to bring back the truth and holiness to churches, Satan has equally planned and raised his evil workers who are working against this plan of God on the internet.
Take note of some strategies of these agents of Satan on the internet and avoid them: They give captions that look like HOREMOW messages on the internet to attract people to read or listen. They equally post videos that look like those of HOREMOW. Some send false testimonies to the internet against HOREMOW, making the captions and content initially appear as if they are from HOREMOW. Some of these agents were old members or leaders in HOREMOW before Satan hijacked them and sent them out to work for him. Among the agents are those false preachers from the wrong churches exposed by HOREMOW, who see the internet as an avenue to fight the movement.
Therefore, avoid any internet post that speaks against this movement. Pray that God will guide you to differentiate between them or their captions and genuine HOREMOW materials online. Do not follow their posts even though they were once leaders and members of HOREMOW in the past. They have become enemies of the cross. Avoid them and their internet posts. They tell lies against Pastor Rika, Sister Linda, and the movement. Do not watch their videos or comment on their posts. They will remove you from the movement or turn you into a ‘concerned brother’ if care is not taken.
Thought for the day: Beware of any post on the internet against HOREMOW.
Song for the day: I must go with Jesus anywhere, no matter the roughness...
Bible reading for the day: Deuteronomy 31-32; Luke 1:1-23
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