God bless you for taking your time to study. BEWARE OF FALSE BRETHREN AND THE MIXED MULTITUDE TEXT: NUMBERS 11: 4-6 SATURDAY OCTOBER 1st Key verse: Numbers 11: 4 And the mixed multitude that was among them fell a lusting: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, who shall give us flesh to eat? The people of Israel had seen sufficiently the miracles of God in Egypt. Before they left Egypt, they were convinced that God was the one who actually sent Moses to Pharaoh and the one who commissioned Moses to bring them out of their bandage (Exodus 3: 7-8). Likewise God has chosen Pastor Paul Rika to bring back His lost glory and holiness in our churches. God is confirming His move with signs and wonders, coupled with testimonies of people that have become holy through his messages and made heaven. Unfortunately, the mixed multitudes (false brethren) in our midst after seeing the great move of God in HOREMOW still rise up to fight and speak against the same holiness they...
Daily devotional on horemow