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Showing posts from June, 2021


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. God's STORE HOUSE  JUNE Wednesday 30th TEXT: 1 CORINTHIANS 9: 13-14 Key verse: “Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved” Acts 2:47. The Storehouse or the house of God consists of all Christian churches and ministries which operate by God's word. Some of them are denominational and some are non-denominational. Some are membership oriented, while some are not. Some have large membership and some are few. As the human body has many members which are each unique and diverse from the other, yet operate together as a single body, so also is the body of Christ.  There are many ministries in the body of Christ, according to the gift and calling of God for each minister. These different and diverse ministries work together to accomplish the same purpose for the glory of the Lord, the salvation and eternal life of men, women, youths and children. If t...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. WORSHIPING GOD IN HOLINESS                                                     JUNE Tuesday 29th TEXT: Nehemiah 8: 1-10 Key verse: “And Ezra blessed the LORD, the great God. And all the people answered, Amen, Amen, with lifting up their hands: and they bowed their heads, and worshipped the LORD with their faces to the ground” Nehemiah 8:6.  This scriptural account gives us a good understanding of worship activities in a religious congregation in Israel, similar to the pattern of worship activities in the New Testament church.  The congregation came together for the purpose of hearing the word of God. Their activity centered on the word of God. Here Ezra the priest was the pastor of the congregation, having other elders and workers in his support, the word was read and the congregatio...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. IS IT PERMITTED TO SPEAK IN TONGUES IN CHURCH?  JUNE Monday 28th TEXT: 1 CORINTHIANS 14: 1-6  Key verse: 1 Corinthians 14:4 “He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church.” Many churches that claim to perform miracles, signs and wonders have little or no regard for righteousness and holiness of God, neither are they interested in diligent obedience of the commandments of Scriptures. The frequent speaking in tongues publicly carried out in such assemblies may not be inspired by the Holy Spirit. What they impart to their congregations that results in sudden outbursts of speaking in tongues by practically all members may not be of God.  For true believers that have been genuinely baptized with the Holy Ghost, it is not a sin to speak in tongues because it is a God-given language of edification. In your prayers speak as much as the Lord gives you the power to sp...


  FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. EVERY MAN THAT HATH THIS HOPE IN HIM PURIFIETH HIMSELF EVEN AS HE IS PURE JUNE Sunday 27th TEXT: 1 John 3: 1-3 Key verse: 1 John 3: 3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. Do all your restitutions without delay. Complicated restitutions concerning marriage, relationships, property, documents, and others should be done prayerfully seeking counsel from mature leaders where required. Every man that has this hope of Christ’s coming should purify himself even as Christ is pure. Jesus is coming for His bride. He is coming to harvest and not to plant. Purify yourself, do it now that you have the time for yourself. “… he that hath this hope in him purified himself”. This implies that there is something you can do for yourself. Don’t leave any vital area that is presently lying idle to remain untouched. Do all you know should be done quickly to be pure and holy...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. PURE WISDOM IS LIKE PURE HONEY JUNE Saturday 26 th TEXT: 1 Kings 4: 29-34 Key verse: 1 Kings 4: 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the seashore. Solomon’s wisdom excelled that of others because it was divinely given. Pure wisdom is like pure honey, not mixed with sugar. He was wiser than all men. Amen. God can give wisdom to a man above the wisdom of all men on the earth. You can be that man. If Solomon sees a tree and speaks a proverb concerning it, you will wonder at the great wisdom displayed. If Solomon sees an ant crawling and speaks a word relating it to the affairs of mankind, you will be amazed at the pure wisdom manifested. If Solomon sees birds flying in the air, the story he will bring out of it, you will just wonder. Solomon! Nothing but God gave you this understanding and wisdom. Wisdom is that which makes your utterance ...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. GIVING THANKS AND PRAISES UNTO GOD  June Friday 25th TEXT: Ephesians 5: 20-27 Key verse: “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” 1Thessalonians 5:18. In everything give thanks and praise to God. This is what God desires from His children. Our thanks and praise should ascend to God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in everything, good or evil; in pleasure or pain, in the joy of life or the dread of death. God requires this from every believer. It is good for the Christian. However, praise and thanksgiving to God are often forgotten by men in times of peace, prosperity and pleasure. The scripture warns every child of God against this transgression and costly forgetfulness. To forget to give God praise and thanks in your good times deprives your soul of humility and fills it instead with pride of self. The heart of the one who forgets God in his achievements claims that he ...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED.  TOPIC: ALL POWER BELONGS TO GOD  DATE: THURSDAY JUNE 24 TEXT: ROMANS 1: 19-22 Key Verse: “God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God” Psalm 62:11. By looking at the world you will see the power of God. If there is no power behind creation the nations of the world would have ceased to exist because of the political forces and evil forces that are working in the nations.  If there is no power behind the government of the nations, even the government of the heathen, it could not stay. The governments of the nations rule because of God’s power behind them.  Some marriages are kept by the unseen power of God. The couples may wonder why their marriages continue because by what has been said or done that marriage could have ended.  How the marriage still goes on is a surprise as they wake up and still see each other around. There is a power that keeps that marriage. God kee...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED.  TOPIC: WARNING TO HOREMOW LEADERS AND MEMBERS (2)  DATE: WEDNESDAY JUNE 23 TEXT: 1 THESSALONIANS 5: 1-9 Key Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:6 “Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.” (Continued from yesterday) “Be prayerful and watchful. Read My word, anytime you carry Bible, you carry Me, you hear from Me. Listen to My son’s messages, I am the one putting these words in his mouth. You can see it is different from the polluted messages of those polluted denominations. Put hands together and expand My Movement.  Take this Movement as your own. This is the last grace and last love I am showing to humanity. Stop sin. Every sin carries demons- lies, bitterness, fear of man, etc. Do your restitutions because the restitutions you fail to do will hinder you from heaven and I will not spare My judgment for anyone.” “Don’t make anyone your idol in this Movement. Don’t watch movies that do not...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED TOPIC: WARNING TO HOREMOW LEADERS AND MEMBERS (Part 1)  DATE: TUESDAY  JUNE 22 TEXT: Proverb 4: 1- 4 Key Verse: Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. Ezekiel 3:17 The Lord said, “Warn My children not to come late to meetings. They should respect Me. When they fix a time for the meeting, they should not allow Me to come with My angels and be waiting for them to come. I can only understand with the person ministering because he needs time to pray and look into My word.  They should be no wandering about or snapping pictures during the message. No selling of books or anything or any group discussion during the message. Everyone should listen attentively to My word.  They should be no eating before time or when a message is going on except you want to take drugs. Eat-in unity. Stop idle things. Those cooking in the k...


FOR. TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED.  TOPIC: WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM   DATE: MONDAY JUNE 21 TEXT: 1 JOHN 3:1-9 Key verse: 1 John 3:3 “And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.” As the saints shall be resurrecting from the grave they shall be coming out with new bodies, because when one dies, the body that decays is going to transform to another body. For instance, when you plant corn in the ground, it dies before the new body comes up.  The new body that comes up looks different from the seed that was planted and does not look alike with it. This is because it will become a new thing altogether. In this case, the Lord God almighty determines the body to give new corn. You sow corn as a grain but when it germinates and grows up, you can see a different crop altogether.  The new crop looks many times bigger than the grain and is even more beautiful. This is a surprise because a grain that one can easily ...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED.  TOPIC: FALSE BEAUTY WILL EXCLUDE YOU FROM HEAVEN  DATE: Sunday, June 20 TEXT: Revelation 22: 11-17 Key verse: Revelation 22: 12 And, behold, I come quickly, and My reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be Artificial beauty through the use of makeup and cosmetics, use of false hair, false eyelashes, false nails, etc will exclude multitudes from the kingdom of God forever. All those people with false hair, be informed that you are outside the kingdom of God.  Again, those who have false skin through the change of the natural skin into the unnatural one with Cosmetics will remain outside the kingdom forever because the Bible says so. The human beings outside the kingdom of God are referred to as dogs. The Creator Himself is the one calling them dogs. Therefore believe in Jesus in truth otherwise the Creator Himself will look at you like a dog that has no sense to obey His owner. From ou...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. AN ACCOUNT OF A SAINT THAT MADE HEAVEN  JUNE Saturday 19th TEXT: JOHN 14:1-4 Key verse: “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints” Psalm 116:15 The Lord revealed how Sister Zenum made heaven in January 2014 to Sister Linda. She had an accident while travelling in a bus from Lagos to Abuja. The bus somersaulted several times and she fell out and crash landed with her head, dying shortly after! She was the only passenger that died in the accident. The Lord explained that He permitted it because her time had been fulfilled. The bus later stopped by the bush and people rushed to the scene to rescue lives.  Sister Zenum's spirit suddenly rose up from her body and she was amazed that she was now two persons! She looked at her body lying lifelessly and shuddered when she saw her battered face! She was asking, Why am I two? She looked up and saw where people gathered around the damaged bus, helping the s...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED.  TOPIC:  YOU ARE COMFORTED TO COMFORT OTHERS  DATE: FRIDAY JUNE 18 TEXT: 2 CORINTHIANS 1:1-10 KEY VERSE: “Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” (1 Thessalonians 4:18). We are commanded by God to minister comfort to one another. If this is done in purity and love, it is a service done unto the Lord. The works of comforting one another are works of love. These are done in words and acts. These works must be rendered to our neighbours as illustrated by the parable of the Good Samaritan and also much more to our brothers and sisters in Christ. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”(Galatians 6:10). The following scriptural examples show how to embark on this service of comfort to our fellow men.   • Joseph in prison ministered comfort to a fellow prisoner who woke up saddened by a dream he had. That selfless service bro...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. AVOID UNRULY BEHAVIOUR IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD  JUNE Thursday17th TEXT: ECCLESIASTES 5: 1 - 5 Key Verse: “For the LORD thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp, to deliver thee, and to give up thine enemies before thee; therefore shall thy camp be holy: that he see no unclean thing in thee, and turn away from thee” Deuteronomy 23: 14 Don’t make strange noises or strange shouts during prayer to distract people from their prayer to yourself. Control yourself. The spirit of a prophet is subject to a prophet. Don’t utter some unholy words like Ride-on Pastor! Don’t eat or chew gum when service is going on. Don’t drop tissue paper, biscuit, sweet wrappers, food particles or pure water leather on the church floor or use it to litter the church premises. If food is served, after eating keep the church clean. Don’t reserve a seat for people, let people who come early find seats to sit on. If someone takes your seat while you went...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED TOPIC: SEEK THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT DATE: WEDNESDAY JUNE 16 TEXT: Acts 2: 1-8 Key verse: Acts 1: 8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost comes upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Every person who is born again has the Holy Spirit in him or her because the Holy Spirit is also called the Spirit of Christ. All believers have the Holy Spirit in them. However, not all believers are baptized with the Holy Spirit. What the Holy Spirit does in the baptismal measure is to put His power into a believer. Romans 8: 9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if any man has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. The key verse refers to believers waiting for the Holy Spirit’s coming from heaven. Now in our times, the Holy Spirit is already on earth...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME  TO STUDY THE  OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED.  TOPIC: OCCUPY UNTIL I COME   DATE: TUESDAY JUNE 15 TEXT: Luke 19:12-13 12 He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.   13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. Key verse: Luke 19: 13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, occupy till I come. Don’t be idle rather do something useful as you await the coming of Christ. Occupy until He comes. Do secular work and also carry out gospel work. The secular business you are engaged in necessary, so go on with it because you need to feed your family and support the gospel work.  But remember to invest much for Jesus now. What are you going to do with your resources? What are you keeping them for? A wise man and woman would say, “Let us push our resources to Jesus consistently...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. LOVING THE UNLOVABLE JUNE Monday 14th TEXT: MATTHEW 5:43-44 KEY VERSE: “Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; clip to that which is good”. (Romans 12:9). Who is an enemy? He is an unfriendly opponent, somebody who hates and seeks to harm or cause trouble for somebody else. Our Lord and Saviour command, “Love your enemies.” An enemy is someone who fights against another person in combat or battle. He is a hostile person who has a plan or purpose to hurt or harm you. As true children of God, we are commanded to love all our enemies. The context of this passage defines and describes the enemies who we are to love. The enemies are people that curse, hate, despise and persecute us. They are evil and unjust in their dealings with us. They do not love us, neither will they even salute nor greet us. Yet our Lord has commanded that His true disciples reflect His love at all times and in all situations. Wh...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. BEWARE OF FAKE SIGNS AND LYING WONDERS  June Sunday 13th TEXT: 2 Thessalonians 2: 8-12 Key verse: 2 Thessalonians 2: 9. Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders. Many preachers perform signs and wonders by lies. Some arrange with fraudsters to pretend to be sick, crippled or even dead so he could perform miracles and deceive many ignorant worshippers who would be clapping hands in amazement. They are the children of the Antichrist who are demonstrating what their father shall come to do at a later time. They are the ones pulling the crowd now. The Antichrist will come with great power, and lying wonders. Satan the god of this world has given some of these preachers great power and taught them how to frame lies?  The Antichrist shall be an embodiment of Satan with power and lying wonders. All sinners who knew about Jesus, church members that understood about the A...


  FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. IS YOUR NAME IN THE BOOK OF LIFE? JUNE Saturday12th TEXT: LUKE 10:17-20 Key Verse: “Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven” Luke10:20 The greatest benefit of God to you in this life is that your name is written in the Book of life. If you could not make any investment for yourself or your children but you are able to introduce your household to God, it is a great privilege. Is your name written in the book with the God of the universe? What a great privilege, but if the book is read and your name is not found what a woe. It was better you were not created at all. Eat all the good food well now, drive that expensive car, and worship money now because if your name is not in the register of God, you are doomed forever. The danger of one’s name not being written in the boo...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. TOPIC:  DO NOT GO DOWN WITH A DYING CHURCH  June  Friday 11th TEXT: 2 JOHN 1:7-10 KEY VERSE: “Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God” Rev 3:2 Not all of them in the church in Sardis were spiritually dead. Some remained alive but were ready to die. It was a dying church. The call of Christ to everyone in the church is to be watchful, to be alert, vigilant, taking note of the signs and state of spiritual sickness which may result in spiritual death if not taken care of promptly and appropriately. The pastor in the church is to strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die with love, warm and inspiring exhortation. We must endeavour to minister to the dying church in the power of the quickening Spirit. This revelation should stir us up to seek more grace to work and serve God acceptably. In that dying church where sp...


FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. LOVE GOD AND YOUR NEIGHBOR  JUNE Thursday10th TEXT: JOSHUA 4: 7-13 Key Verse: “Hereby we perceive we the love of God because He lay down his life for us; we ought to lay our lives for our brethren” 1 John 3: 16 Beloved, God is Love. He gave His only begotten Son to die on the cross of Calvary for the salvation of mankind. The bible says while we are yet sinners. Jesus died for us. This shows that God’s love is unconditional, perfect love and Agape Love. There are different kinds of love in the world today. The love we have for somebody because he is one of our family members, relation and friend is good but is not perfect love. The love that fornicators have for the opposite sex in the name of a boyfriend and girlfriend is the carnal love or lust of the flesh. The love you have for somebody because he is kind and good to you is good but is not a perfect love, because it has traits of selfishness. The perfect love is sacr...


  FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. BEWARE OF CHARISMATIC WITCHCRAFT JUNE Wednesday 9th TEXT: ACTS 8:5-23 Key Verse: Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee Acts 8:22 Satan is very crafty and must be fully exposed. Repent and confess your witchcraft otherwise how will you profess Jesus with the covenant you have made with the blood of human beings that you have drunk. You cannot serve two masters.. He that hides his sins shall not prosper. He that renounces Satan and expose him shall have full deliverance. If you are in witchcraft, repent genuinely and report yourself to the ministers to confess your witchcraft. If you say, “Ah I have repented long ago”, did you meet the ministers to confess? Did you confess the idol you have been serving? Did you confess the things you planted inside water? No wonder many are called but few are chosen. You shall know the truth a...
  FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. BEWARE OF CHARISMATIC WITCHCRAFT JUNE Wednesday 9th TEXT: ACTS 8:5-23 Key Verse: Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee Acts 8:22 Satan is very crafty and must be fully exposed. Repent and confess your witchcraft otherwise how will you profess Jesus with the covenant you have made with the blood of human beings that you have drunk. You cannot serve two masters.. He that hides his sins shall not prosper. He that renounces Satan and expose him shall have full deliverance. If you are in witchcraft, repent genuinely and report yourself to the ministers to confess your witchcraft. If you say, “Ah I have repented long ago”, did you meet the ministers to confess? Did you confess the idol you have been serving? Did you confess the things you planted inside water? No wonder many are called but few are chosen. You shall know the truth and th...


  FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. BE A PASSIONATE EVANGELIST JUNE Tuesday 8th TEXT : 1 CORINTHIANS 9:16-23 KEY VERSE: And He said unto them, how is it that ye sought Me? Wist ye, not that I must go about My Father’s business? (Luke 2:49). God has only one business and the registered name is: Soul Winning . The only reason Jesus left His glory and came to earth was to give Himself as a ransom for mankind. He began to publish this from the beginning of His ministry to the very last minute. He also called men and women and taught them how to preach. He left the task of preaching the gospel to us who are alive today and He is looking up to us to do it. It is called the Great Commission. We cannot witness effectively without the power of God. The passion of our Lord Jesus Christ for lost humanity is written all over the New Testament. He has handed over this business of saving souls to us and we have to handle it with the same passion. That...


  FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST TO THE EARTH JUNE Monday 7th TEXT: JUDE 14-21 Key verse: Jude 14 “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,” The second coming of Christ to the earth will take place seven years after the Rapture. At the second coming of Christ to the earth, there shall still be natural people on the earth who survived the Great Tribulation period. These people will be in two categories; first, the Jews and second those who survived the Great Tribulation and will still be alive as natural people at Christ’s second coming. The people who will pass through the tribulation and will not believe in Christ did not die for whatever reason will still be alive. These will form the natural men on earth that will continue with procreation. For these 1000 years, life shall be elongated on earth at the beginning of the...


  FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO STUDY THE WORD OF GOD REMAIN BLESSED. DO NOT WREST OR MANIPULATE THE SCRIPTURES JUNE Sunday 6th TEXT : JEREMIAH 28:1-17 KEY VERSE: “As also in the epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.” 2 Peter 3:16 Beware of the danger of adding or taking away from the word of God. Most of the corruptions of the sacred scriptures have been caused by those who have professed some form of Christianity. Infidels have little interest in attempting such changes and even if they tried they would not wield enough influence to make their error received by the church. Serious alterations of the letter and spirit of the word have been effected by the addition or removal of words, the deliberate twisting of plain truths of scripture to serve private interests, over-spiritualizing of plain texts,...