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Scriptural And Unscriptural Use of Anointing Oil (2)
Thursday 30th January
Text: Mark 6:7, 8, 12, 13
Key verse: Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto My Father. John 14:12
c: Anointing oil not mentioned or used by Jesus: All through Jesus’ ministry, He did not use anointing oil, whether for healing or for ministry. He chose His disciples after much prayer and consecrated them to divine service, without anointing them with oil. He did not use oil in any one of the many instances of healing and deliverance performed by Him. He never taught His disciples on the use of oil; neither did He instruct them to use oil when praying for the sick. Jesus assured His disciples that through faith in His name, they could do whatever He had done in His earthly ministry and much more. This means, as Jesus healed the sick, cast out devils, did all kinds of miracles, appointed and consecrated people for the ministry, etc, without the use of anointing oil, those who believe on Him can do the same.
d: Jesus' disciples used anointing oil once in their evangelistic outreach when they were with Him: Jesus commissioned His disciples to go and preach the gospel. He gave them power to heal the sick and cast out devils. The power was not in anointing oil, because He did not use it throughout His ministry on earth. He did not give bottles of anointing oil to the commissioned disciples. The power He gave them was His name. Jesus’ name was the power He gave the disciples. His name could heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease. His Name could cast out all kinds of demons and solve all kinds of problems. However, the scriptural passage before us now shows that the disciples anointed many sick people with oil and healed them through the power Jesus gave them, His name. It shows clearly here that their use of anointing oil was their initiative. They had become accustomed to the use of oil, to anoint the sick according to the tradition of their society. Note that they had not been with Jesus for long before this act.
Thought For The Day: The power Jesus gave to His disciples was His name
Song For The Day: In the name of Jesus there is power
Bible Reading For The Day: Leviticus 8-10
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