God's blessings shall be following you continually for taking the time to study.
TEXT: 1 TIMOTHY 3:14-16
KEY VERSE: ROMANS 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
If you are truly born again. The word of God must guide, lead, direct and discipline you for a change, submission, subjection and godliness. The pastors have a job to do for God and these messages must be practiced in our Nations, Zones, States, Chapters and Units.
As born-again people ready for heaven we must look at the bible to make sure that everything written must be implemented in God church according to the foundation and standard of his word. We should depend on the Bible to live our life after been born again, we should accept guidance of the Bible to live a holy life, women should accept submission for it is key to the women ministry.
The women ministry is a branch as the other ministries in the Church, like the Youth ministry, children ministry and campus ministry. These are arms in the Church ministry. They are all subjected and submissive to the authority of the Church.
The church of the living God is the pillar and ground of the truth. A place where all things must be done decently and in order. As long as the word of God is concerned the headship of the man should not be swap both in the church of God and in the family.
The four daughters of Philip; the Evangelist were all prophetess but live under the headship of their father Philip even in their own prophetic ministry, seeing that it is good for us to understand that as a married woman you can't go anywhere without your husband knowing.
Now, A situation where the woman is in ministry with the husband assisting the ministry of the women. Sometimes, a program is planned and everything completed and the man comes back from work and the woman has gone for crusade, Preaching for who?
Is it preaching for God who has put you under this man? Or preaching for who? Therefore, as we see into the scripture what happen here is disobedience to headship. Women are not equal to their husbands This understanding must come as we are doing our ministry.
Thought for the day: Submit to scriptural discipline to be guided to live a godly life.
Song for the day: All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him l freely give...
Bible reading for the day: Daniel 9-12
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