March 1st, Tuesday
Text: Ephesians 4:1 - 3
Key Verse: Job 27:4 My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit.
In today’s text, you are admonished to walk worthy of the ministry you have received and have been called into. Inform yourself as a minister of God that many eyes are upon you and that many others around you are putting their confidence in you. Knowing this as a minister, you are to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called. Now that God has called you unto His holiness to be like Him in Holiness Revival Movement, you have wholesome responsibility to ensure at your work worthy of the grace the Lord has given you. See yourself as most privileged to hear from God what others have not heard.
To walk acceptably with God in ministry, ensure to do the following:
Maintain holiness of life in your calling. What gives worthiness to your calling in ministry is the holiness of life. Know that as a minister, there must be first the Christian life before the Christian ministry. How are you living your Christian life? Do you accommodate sin in your Christian practice? You need to check up and examine your life well before embarking on Christian ministry lest you end up rendering service that is unacceptable to God like Cain. When holiness of life does not precede your service to God, He will not value your work because sin is in it. Therefore, ensure you examine your life always before God. Examine yourself, whether ye be in the faith; prove yourself. Know ye, not your s Christ is in you, except ye, be reprobate? 2 Corinthians 13: 5
Know that Christian character in ministry is integrity. Job in his ordeal advised on the restrain of the tongue. He said as long as he is alive, his lips shall not speak wickedly against men or God. He will not speak boastful words. The man under the fire of accusation by his wife and attack of his friends said his tongue will not speak wickedly or deceitfully. The position of Job is not prominent in our time. Many Christians in our days use their tongues anyhow because they believe it is theirs.
Rachael knew she stole the gods of her father and yet covered up her action with lies. Are you sitting upon a lie in your Christian practice as Rachael? Is there no lie you have told or still protecting? If you are doing so, you will need more lies to cover a lie. Have you told your spouse or children lie? If you are living in lies or deceits, is it not worse than exempting from jewellery? Let the wicked forsake his ways and the unrighteous his thoughts. Go and carry out restitution your lies and unfaithfulness to God if you want to give meaning to your Christian life and ministry. Go and confess.
Thought of the day: Integrity in Ministry speaks holiness of life.
Song for the day: My life shall be a testimony ………
Bible reading for the day:
Numbers 26-27; Mark 8:22-38
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