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TEXT: 1Timothy 3: 1 – 16 
Key verse: 1 Timothy 3:2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
A Christian minister must have the following qualifications:
• Blamelessness: Illicit life, masturbation, irresponsible living, falling and rising, lies in ministry must not be mentioned on you. A bishop must be blameless. The lack of jobs has increased pastors and ministers in churches today. Everybody now goes into ministry to make ends meet. It has become a business venture for many that are not called.
• Husband of one wife: Check the history of your workers and ministers as to their marital status. When the blind leads the blind, you expect an accident for both. Letters in the early churches were written to authenticate pastors before they minister. Check the preachers you are inviting whether they are in Christ.
• Vigilance (watchfulness): Self-control, that is, the ability to teach; he must not be one given to wine; not money monger nor covetous. A pastor must be of good character. Though the one-eyed man could be a leader in the country of the blind, in the spiritual, the one-eyed pastor is not qualified to lead.
• One that leadeth well his household: Do pastors these days bother about their homes; the behaviour of their family members and children today? In biblical standards, children and wives are the certificates of their husbands. I know Abraham because he will command his children and household after Me. Why are you seeking blessing outside the gate? If your husband is among the chosen 300 soldiers of Gideon, why are you acting to disqualify him? Pastor, do you know at all that your children are your certificates? No man taketh this honour unto himself but only the ones that are called. 
• Not a novice: Many that received divine revelations are now church founders and pastors. Many now shift their attention to people with divine revelations. The man that repented last year is now your general overseer or assistant pastor. Don't give positions to novice or those that just left bible school. They should sit under holiness preachers and learn from them first.
• Must have good report among them who are without: Is Saul also among the prophets? They know Saul was not. You want to be somebody who the people know.

Thought for today: Are you qualified to be a minister?
Song for the day: Make me holy…

Bible reading for the day: Exodus 16-18; Matthew 19:16-30


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