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God's blessings shall be following you continually for taking the time to study. DATE: FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 13, 2024 TOPIC: SCRIPTURAL DISCIPLINE AND GODLINESS IN CHRIST CHURCH. TEXT: 1 TIMOTHY 3:14-16  KEY VERSE: ROMANS 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. If you are truly born again. The word of God must guide, lead, direct and discipline you for a change, submission, subjection and godliness. The pastors have a job to do for God and these messages must be practiced in our Nations, Zones, States, Chapters and Units.  As born-again people ready for heaven we must look at the bible to make sure that everything written must be implemented in God church according to the foundation and standard of his word. We should depend on the Bible to live our life after been born again, we should accept guidance of the Bible to live a holy life, women should accept submission for it is key to the women minist
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God's blessings shall be following you continually for taking the time to study.  DATE: THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 2024 TOPIC: GOD'S WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING IS NECESSARY FOR HOLY MINISTRY  TEXT: EXODUS 31:1-6  KEY VERSE: PROVERBS 2:6 “For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of His mouth cometh knowledge and understanding”. If I say ministry, some people think it's only Pastors who stand in the pulpit and preach. They exempt themselves because they are ignorant that everyone performing one function or the other for the Lord or in the house of God needs the wisdom of God in order to render satisfactory service unto God.  Whatever your service, be it ushering, chorister or security, you are performing service unto the Lord and needs God’s wisdom. The media workers and children teachers also required God’s wisdom, knowledge and understanding in order to excel. In our text, The Lord told Moses He called by name, Bazaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah:  It


God's blessings shall be following you continually for taking the time to study. DATE: WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 11, 2024 TOPIC: TESTIMONY OF A STATE OVERSEER ON THE DIVINE SPIRITUAL ASSIGNMENT  TEXT: 2 PETER 1:5-11  KEY VERSE: 1 CORINTHIANS 11: 1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. My name is Pastor Patrick Ogbu. God inspired me to take this spiritual assignment seriously through the testimony of the International Director, Pastor Paul Rika, in his first message for the year 2022 concerning the record of his prayers and bible studies at a particular period of time.  I was challenged that if despite his busy schedule, he still kept record of his spiritual activities, then, I had no acceptable excuse before God to fail to do likewise so I decided to keep record of all my divine assignments with effect from January 2022.  BIBLE READING: I read the Bible three times, from Genesis to revelation in a year without commentary. However, I read Genesis to Deuteronomy with commenta


God's blessings shall be following you continually for taking the time to study. DATE: TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 2024 TOPIC: WE DRESS FOR NATURAL IDENTITY AND AS HOLY CHRISTIANS   TEXT: DEUTERONOMY 22:5 KEY VERSE: REVELATIONS 4:4 And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold We dress for natural identity as a man or woman created by God. The woman shall not wear that which pertains unto a man. That which you put upon shall identify you as a pastor. Now you have some dresses are unisex or cannot differentiate you as a male minister. Don't go for that as a holy minister.  Your trousers resemble that of the women in the world. You know that you are a man but the trousers’ shape is like that of the women in the world. That is abominable! When you dress, the clothes you put on; the shirt, trousers, anything, should not be mixed up.  It should not be misu


God's blessings shall be following you continually for taking the time to study.  DATE: MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 TOPIC: A TESTIMONY OF TITHE DEFAULTERS IN HELL FIRE   TEXT: HEBREWS 3: 7-13 KEY VERSE: REVELATION 2:11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches; he that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death. Below is yet another extract from Divine Revelation of hell fire experienced by Emmanuel Angyarko in Ghana. This man of God was taken to hell fire by the Lord Jesus Christ. He saw defaulters of tithes and offerings passing through the judgment of God in our time. Here is his account below: I saw four pastors in hell, who were there because they did not pay their tithes. One was called Albert and another was Daniel, a pastor of Church of Christ, this church does not believe in tithing. Daniel said he told his congregation not to pay tithes as it was no longer necessary. He was in hell for basically two things: first of all; he was not payin


God's blessings shall be following you continually for taking the time to study. DATE: SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 2024 TOPIC: LOVE AND SUBMISSION IN MARRIAGE   TEXT: EPHESIANS 5:21-33 KEY VERSE: 1 PETER 3:1: Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of wives;  The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one but there is the head. He is the Father. The Son honored and glorified the Father when He was on earth. The Holy Spirit now leads us to glorify the Son and glorify the Father. So, there is headship, the God of life set a leader over all institutions. The head of Christ is God; the head of the man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man.  The headship in the house is the man. God made him to be the head God made him to be in control. When Jesus was on earth he yielded to the headship of the father. He did not win us to Himself. Even when people called Him good master, He gav


God's blessings shall be following you continually for taking the time to study. DATE: FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 2024 TOPIC: LISTEN TO HOREMOW MESSAGES PERSONALLY AS A LEADER  TEXT: PSALM 104:18-19 KEY VERSE: PROVERBS 15:23 A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it! Since time management is essential during meetings, listen to messages as a leader so that you will know the message that is long and the one that is short, you will know the one that can fit in for the program you are going to hold. If as a leader, you don't even have time for the message; you do not even play the messages.  If a doctor does not know which drug can cure what, when a patient comes; he will be watching the patient, not knowing what to do. When a women program comes, though we know that all messages are from God yet there are messages that are for women. If you play youth message there, it is because you are not knowledgeable and prepared. If you pick any mes