I just want to thank God Almighty for another day like this keeping you and I alive today is a great miracle. The message i have for you this morning is this Please be it know to you. That God is watching you in anything you are doing here on earth.
You been call to work in the vine yard of the lord. you are saved to save others also.
One thing i know for sure is that His coming is very very near more then before. just look around you and see all that is happening now. are you winning souls for Him or you are looking at the Pastors to do the work alone?. He said go ye into the world and preach the gospel and not that the pastors should go but all the believers. Satan is winning more souls everyday then God let us stand up and do the work of Him that has called us into His marvelous Light. and if you know for sure that you want to make Heaven. then you must work. because every laborers has a reward. All those who has been called by God into His service must realize that the Lord Himself is the one Supervising Hie Laborers and anyone who toils with the work will be judged by Him. Already ,we have been informed that judgement must begin in the house of God and that He will judge His people. ( 1 peter 4:17 ; Heb.10:30 ). may God Almighty Bless you as you go out there to Win souls for Him
I just want to say thank you for reading i wish you Heaven at Last.
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